Release date:2015, November 19

Duration:00 h 21 m

Author:Steve Caplin

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Create your own 3D printed logo for signage or swag. With the built-in features in Photoshop CC, you can easily extrude 3D shapes from a 2D design—making it easy to transition a logo from a flat mark to a three-dimensional design you can hold in your hand or hang on a wall. In this tutorial, Steve Caplin walks through creating the logo outline, working through the 3D extrusion, and preparing for print. This short course offers universal tips and tricks that can be applied to all kinds of logo design, including complex designs that require a base to hold the various parts and letters together.

Table of Contents


Welcome 36s

1. Print a 3D Company Logo Import

logo and extrude to 3D object 2m 10s

Refine extrusion 2 m 43s

Prepare for 3D printing 3m 20s

2. Print a Complex Logo

Prepare a multi-object logo for printing 2m 4s

Connect the multiple objects 3m 37s

Print the logo 1m 37s

An alternate approach to a multiobject logo 4m 38s

Conclusion Next steps 34s

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