本课程将带您从头到尾了解整个过程,教您一个经过生产验证的工作流程,用于创建皮肤纹理和构建世界各地工作室的专业vfx艺术家使用的皮肤着色器。我们将深入研究工作流程的技术方面,以及我们决策背后的创造性思维过程,确保不仅解释“如何”而且解释“为什么”我们使用这些技术。Skin Texturing And Shading In Mari And Arnold
大小:8.1G持续时间11小时 包括项目文件 1920X1080 .mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络机译)
–Arnold for Maya中的基本渲染设置
Skin Texturing And Shading In Mari And Arnold
When you first start out, the process of painting and shading skin in CG can be a daunting undertaking, riddled with both technical and artistical challenges. Too often the creative process will grind to a halt due to either a technical problem or uncertainty of the best way to progress.
This course will take you through the entire process from A to Z, teaching you a production proven workflow for creating skin textures and building skin shaders used by professional vfx artists in studios all around the world. We will delve deep into both the technical aspects of the workflow, as well as the creative thought process behind our decisions, making sure to explain not only the “how” but also the “why” of we use these techniques.
This way of painting textures is one that I use on a daily basis as a senior visual effects artist, and is filled to the brim with techniques that I have personally used on anything from small local commercials to Hollywood blockbuster feature films.
My hope for this course is to leave you with a thorough understanding of how to paint and shade CG skin for any type of character, as well as the confidence to both apply and adjust the workflow to whatever personal or professional project you undertake going forward as a character artist.
Main Topics :
– Model review
– Introduction to Mari and its powerful painting tools
– Using skin scan textures to projection paint detailed skin displacement and color maps
– A node based workflow for texture painting in Mari
– Hand painting control and utility masks in Mari for added shader complexity
– Whiteboard lessons explaining file formats, displacement technicalities and the UDIM workflow
– Building a complex node based skin shader in Arnold from scratch
– Real time and timelapse recordings showing the entire texture painting process
– Evaluating your own work throughout the process to plan your progress
– Basic render settings in Arnold for Maya
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