
MP4 |视频:h264,1920×1080 |语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译) |课程时长:8小时16分钟 含课程文件

Finish the base of a fully functional fps with enemy AI and map building in godot, coding and level design

What you’ll learn
Understand 3D world environments and master lighting techniques within the Godot game development engine
Use of addons to create 3d maps, ins and outs and overcome most common problems
Understand and create a full state machine for a first person controller
Create and animate a weapon manager for guns, rocketlauncher and machinegun
Learn to create Hitscan and projectile weapons
Develop the foundational elements for a future first-person shooter game, providing the groundwork for expanding it into a fully marketable Steam game
Learn to import mixamo animations into blender and then godot
How to use pathfinding in Godot
Create an AI enemy that walks around, detects and attack the player with launch projectile weapons
Implement a basic GUI in Godot

No experience needed since most stuff is beginner friendly but if you have used godot before that would be great!

Section 1: Introduction to 3D Lightning and GDscript

Lecture 1 Introduction to 3D Lightning and GDscript

Lecture 2 Modifying Meshes, adding a directional light

Lecture 3 SDFGI and world environment, SSAO, SSIL

Lecture 4 Voxel GI and SSR

Lecture 5 GDScript Introduction, Day Night Cycle

Lecture 6 Making a Sphere Player to move around our scene

Section 2: Creating and designing maps with addons in Godot 4

Lecture 7 Installing Cyclops level builder in Godot and any addons

Lecture 8 How to use Cyclops level builder to create blocky levels

Lecture 9 Applying materials and modeling tools

Lecture 10 John Romero’s 8 Design rules for making maps

Section 3: First person controller with a Finite State Machine

Lecture 11 FinishedSection first person controller

Lecture 12 Level Materials and Player Scene

Lecture 13 Camera Movement on Player

Lecture 14 State Machine implementation for player movement

Lecture 15 State and PlayerStates

Lecture 16 Idle State

Lecture 17 Walk, Jump, InAir States

Lecture 18 Crouch and Run States

Lecture 19 Jumping and sounding

Lecture 20 Be careful with this bug when jumping on ALL games

Section 4: First person shooter weapon manager scene

Lecture 21 Importing 3d models to godot

Lecture 22 A fast way to fix weapon colliding with walls

Lecture 23 Weapon Animations

Lecture 24 Weapon as Resources

Lecture 25 Weapon list

Lecture 26 Activating and looping through equipped weapons

Lecture 27 Updating HUD through signals

Lecture 28 Shooting anim

Lecture 29 Camera collision

Lecture 30 Bulletpoint and hitscan shooting

Lecture 31 Bullet shot png image

Lecture 32 Reload and Autoshooting

Lecture 33 Shooting Boxes and targets as rigid bodies

Lecture 34 Moving Targets without physics, only static body

Lecture 35 Projectile Shooting

Lecture 36 Layers and Masks and understanding them

Lecture 37 One weapon pickup to rule them all

Lecture 38 Pickup and equip weapons

Lecture 39 Ammo Added when colliding with a weapon

Lecture 40 Dropping weapons and adding ammo

Section 5: Enemies implementation and navigation server

Lecture 41 Welcome to the new example enemy section

Lecture 42 Using Blender and Mixamo to get enemies for our games

Lecture 43 Nav region nodes and enemy scene

Lecture 44 Setgets in Gdscript

Lecture 45 Navigation Agent implementation

Lecture 46 Enemy projectiles and attack state

Lecture 47 An enemy attacking us with projectiles

Lecture 48 Kill enemies and player

If you want to develop a first person shooter game or first person game and release it into a fully marketable videogame

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