Release date:2022, December

Author:Thivolan Moodley

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What you’ll learn

Getting Started in ZBrush
Learn how navigate and customise the ZBrush UI to bend to your will!
Learn how take a 2D concept and translate it into 3D
Learn how to colour and texture in ZBrush
Make use of simple tehniques to achieve complex results
Learn how to use the blender interface
Learn how to present and render your work with blender
Learn simple composition techniques to deliberately draw attention


This a complete beginners course; you will only need access to the software being used; ZBrush, Blender, Photoshop.

Making use of my free beginners Course On Youtube is recommended before starting this course


Hey Everyone and welcome to my COMPLETE ZBrush Beginners Guide!

In this tutorial, aimed at complete beginners, I will take you through all the necessary skills needed to take a 2d concept from base to block-in and finally to render! The process will be covered in 4 Parts and each Part will contain a unique goal and a set of homework videos to make sure we are on the same page. This course is also accompanied by a free YouTube complete beginners guide to ZBrush which is aimed at the student who is stepping into the 3d world for the first time!

I look forward to our journey together!


Thivolan Moodley.


Who is this course for?
The complete beginner looking for a comprehensive guide to ZBrush and 3d sculpting; for those of you who have some experience i would recommend going through my beginner series on YouTube anyway but if you think you are confident enough you can make use of the beginner videos already in this course…

What 3d modelling techniques do you cover specifically?
In this course i go through basic and intermediate organic modelling and anatomy for the crocodiles as well as simple hard surface modelling techniques for the base and a little bit of rendering and material properties in Blender for the final renders. There are, of course, more things i cover but the tutorials ahead will let that speak for itself!

I am a total beginner, what do i do if i get stuck or cant get through a specific concept?
Easy, you can contact me on Udemy etc. and let me know which video might be catching you off guard; I do provide homework videos to explain the more complicated concepts but you can always let me know if something is just not sticking/ working on your side… You can also checkout my YouTube channel (you should already have watched the beginner YT series by now) which has a plethora of comprehensive ZBrush beginner, intermediate and advanced videos or you can comment on one of my videos asking a specific question about the relevant videos content.

Can I 3D print this?
Of course! As long as you know how to prepare and 3D print something (I do not cover that here as it is a separate subject) it shouldn’t be a problem.

Is this a game ready model?
No. I do not make use of a full game ready pipeline in this tutorial as that requires a different set of steps to achieve. You can, however, make use of the high and low poly modelling techniques i use here in a game model Pipeline.

A summary of each part and what to expect:

Part 0:
This is the beginners guide to ZBrush part and here i will cover most of the skills needed to get through the series; the other videos will ease you into the other concepts and techniques. Please make sure to checkout my free beginners course on YouTube; i made that course in conjunction with this so that anyone, with access to a browser, can learn ZBrush from the ground up … it’s also there to accompany this course, specifically made for beginners.

Part 1:
By the end of this Part we will have made a simple character with basic details and form blockouts. You will also, at this point, have a pretty firm grasp of the ZBrush program and its intricacies – as long as you’ve done the homework, that is. The Homework throughout this course will cover various subjects to make sure the topics covered are well integrated into your sculpting arsenal.

Part 2:
In this part we will go over finishing the details of the models as well as the creation of the base; this will involve using some pretty cool hard surface techniques and sculpting tricks. The base will not only help sell the characters but it will also help ground our sculpt in a real world scene… a stylized real world scene.

Part 3:
In Part 3 we will finally get to paint and texture our models to really sell the believability of our sculpt. After that we will take our model into Blender (a free program) to create some stunning renders. Lastly we will go over presenting in photoshop and adding some finishing touches to the renders!

My Background:
Hey guys, Thivolan here. I am a 3D Artist with over 8 years of experience built from Mechanical, Architectural, Organic and Anatomical modelling and rendering. I have helped firms create more dynamic renders, increased workflow with 3d modelling and now I’m bringing all that to you! I’m in constant search of the best ways to achieve great results with my free and paid tutorials and I hope your Journey is as inspiring as mine! The lessons ahead will take you from a 3d Noob to a Sculpting Maniac and i cant wait for you to see whats in store!

See you in the course!

Thivolan Moodley

Who this course is for:

Beginner 3D and sculptors alike who want to learn how to translate 2D concepts into 3D
Beginner Zbrush artists overwhelmed by what the program has to offer
Students looking to up their presentation and render quality
Intermediate Sculptors looking for tips and tricks within ZBrush

1. Part 0 Course Introduction and Zbrush Beginner Tutorial

01. ZBrush Complete Beginners Guide
02. Introduction to the Course
03. 00 Beginner ZBrush Introduction
04. 01 – Homework – Intro Video

2. Part 1 Block in and basic Detailing

01. 01 – Homework – Mini Anatomy and Polygroups
02. 01 – Homework – Transposing your Model
03. 01 Blocking in Crile
04. 02 – Homework – Clothing and Dynamic Subdivs
05. 02 Crile Clothing Block in P1
06. 03 Crile Head Block in
07. 04 Crile Clothing Block in P2
08. 05 – Homework – Hardsurface Dynamics
09. 05 Cart Block in
10. 06 Slave Block in
11. 07 – Homework – Using Deformers
12. 07 General Tweaks
13. 08 Crile Head Details
14. 09 – Homework – Creating Insert Meshes
15. 09 Crile Clothing Details
16. 10 Crile Hands
17. 11 Slave Details

3. Part 2 Detailing and Base Creation

01. 01 – Homework – Slice and Trim Brushes
02. 01 Stone Cart Creation
03. 02 Wood Cart Creation
04. 03 Clothing and Hand Details
05. 04 – Homework – Hardsurface Recap
06. 04 Sceptre and Crown Details
07. 05 General Tweaks
08. 06 – Homework – Curves and Strokes
09. 06 Base Block in
10. 07 Cart Extras
11. 08 Crile Details Head and Clothing
12. 09 General Details
13. 10 Base Details

4. Part 3 Painting, Texturing and Rendering

01. 01 Painting The Cart
02. 02 Painting Characters
03. 01 – Homework – Paint and Materials
04. 03 – Homework – Alphas and Layers
05. 03 Painting the Base and Extras
06. 04 Details – Story Telling
07. 05 – Homework – Decimation
08. 05 – Homework – Intro to Blender
09. 05 Installing Plugins For Exporting From Zbrush to Blender
10. 05 Export Preparation
11. 06 Blender Materials
12. 07 Blender Lighting
13. 08 Render and Presentation

[Udemy] ZBrush Beginners Course – Sculpting Crile the Crocodile with Thivolan Moodley_Subtitles.7z

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