了解如何在ZBrush角色建模中创建逼真的3D人像,欢迎来到面部解剖和肖像人物造型。在本课程中,你将学习人脸的构造。你将理解构成面部解剖的骨骼部分、肌肉和脂肪。你还将学习如何观察和创造你选择的面部肖像。从Zbrush中的一个球体开始,把它变成一个有皱纹和毛孔的超逼真的脸。你甚至会学到如何使用fibermesh制作真实头发的知识。在本课程结束时,你将拥有创造更可信的肖像所需的技能。Zbrush Facial Anatomy and Likeness Character Sculpting


持续时间9小时 1920X1080 mp4 包括项目文件 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络机译)



Corazon Bryant柯拉松·布莱恩特总是有艺术天赋。当她只有2岁的时候,她会在妈妈的墙上画详图。她的母亲非常喜欢这些画,她决定保留它们。在母亲的鼓励下,她继续画画,随着时间的推移,她越画越好。当柯拉松在初中和高中的时候,她为她的同学甚至是她的老师画肖像来赚钱。她攻读了媒体艺术和动画的大学学位,后来在建筑和娱乐公司工作,如Camm Productions、ID DI Design和PDT International。她也有机会为Mega Pickle娱乐公司做一些自由工作。作为一名3D艺术家,她有机会在一所A+学校教授3D动画课程。这是她找到真爱的时候——这不仅是无休止地谈论3D,也是激发年轻的未来艺术家的伟大。柯拉松目前正与业界经验丰富的艺术家合作一个名为Victory 3D的新项目,旨在提供一个负担得起的有效学习系统,让学生更容易在3D行业找到工作。


Learn How To Create A Realistic 3D Portrait in ZBrush Character Modeling

What you’ll learn
Enhanced observational and visual skills
Understand the face anatomy in depth
Create realistic portrait
Create believable wrinkles and skin pores
Build realistic hair, eyebrows, and mustache with fibermesh

Instructor Info

Corazon Bryant always had an artistic bone in her body. When she was only 2 years old, she would make detailed drawings on her mother’s wall. Her mother loved the drawings so much, she decided to keep them. With the encouragement of her mother, she continued drawing and she only got better as time went by. When Corazon was in middle and high school, she earned money making portraits for her classmates and even for her teachers. She pursued a college degree in Media Arts & Animation and later worked for architectural and entertainment companies such as Camm Productions, ID DI Design, and PDT International. She also had an opportunity to do some freelance work for Mega Pickle Entertainment. While working as a 3D artist, she had a chance to teach 3D animation classes in an A+ school. This is when she found her true love – which is not only to talk about 3D endlessly but to also inspire greatness in young upcoming artists. Corazon is currently working on a new project called Victory 3D with fellow industry-experienced artists to provide an affordable and effective learning system that will make it easier for students to get a job in the 3D industry.

Course Info

Welcome to The Facial Anatomy and Likeness Character Sculpting. In this course, you will learn about the construction of the human face. You will understand the bony parts, muscles, and fat that makes up the face anatomy. You will also learn how to observe and create a facial likeness of your choice. Starting with a sphere in Zbrush and turning it into a hyper realistic face with wrinkles and skin pores. You will even gain knowledge on how to achieve realistic hair using fibermesh. By the end of this course, you will have the skills that you need to create a more believable portrait.

Who this course is for:
Anyone who wants to learn how to create a hyper realistic 3d portrait

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