在专业艺术家米兰·尼科利茨的指导下,为电影和电子游戏设计惊艳的生物。你将从研究两足动物和多足动物的解剖结构开始,学习在ZBrush和3D Coat中雕刻的来龙去脉,最后学习如何摆姿势、制作纹理,并以打磨和专业的方式呈现你的生物。
通过学习你可以使用的工具来开始工作。在米兰的指导下,您将学习收集参考资料的专业工作流程,了解3D Coat和ZBrush中提供的工具,以及如何动态设置模型的姿势。这是一堂紧张的课,但其中的知识一定会帮助你的设计脱颖而出。
通过创造逼真、美丽的纹理赋予你的生物生命。使用3D Coat,米兰将教你各种三维绘画技术,让你最大限度地控制你的生物出现的方式。总结一下,你将学习如何为你的角色设定框架和渲染,为最终的展示做准备。
大小:3.64 G 持续时间5小时 1920X1080 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络机译)
标题:Learn Squared——米兰·尼科利茨的生物设计
Title: Learn Squared – Creature Design with Milan Nikolic
It’s a creature feature!
Design stunning creatures for films and video games under the guidance of professional artist Milan Nikolic. You’ll start by studying the anatomy of bipeds and multipeds, learn the ins and outs of sculpting in ZBrush and 3D Coat, and finally how to pose, texture, and present your creatures with polish and professionalism.
Lesson 1 – Tools and Workflow
Kick things off by learning the tools at your disposal. Under Milan’s guidance, you’ll learn a professional workflow for gathering references, understanding the tools offered within 3D Coat and ZBrush, and how to dynamically pose your model. This is an intense lesson, but the knowledge within is sure to help your designs stand out.
Lesson 2 – Planning and Design Development
Now let’s dive into designing a creature you can call your own. Using the methods in this lesson, you’ll create a rough sculpt based on various references, and work to detail key components in your sculpt. All of the detail and polish we create here will work to your advantage when texturing your creature down the road.
Lesson 3 – Shading and Texturing
Give life to your creatures by creating realistic, beautiful textures. Using 3D Coat, Milan will teach you various techniques for painting in three dimensions, giving you maximum control over the way your creature appears. To wrap thing up, you’ll learn how to frame and render your character to prepare for the final presentation.
Lesson 4 – Polishing and Final Presentation
Now you’re in the home stretch! After you’ve sculpted, posed, and textured your creature, the final step will be presenting your designs in the most polished way possible. Using Milan’s professional workflow, you’ll learn the process of overpainting in Photoshop, as well as tips for presentation and delivery.
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