本课程《Complete VFX Niagara in Unreal Engine 5》专门教授在虚幻引擎5中使用Niagara系统创建实时视觉效果。该课程适合初学者,通过逐步学习不同的粒子效果如导弹效果、风格化的火焰、烟雾等,帮助学员掌握Niagara的功能。此外,课程强调其灵活性和无需编程即可创建复杂效果的优势。

课程时长:14小时49分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕


  • Niagara是虚幻引擎中最强大且灵活的粒子系统,适用于模拟天气及大规模效果。
  • 其实时模拟能力可以处理数百万颗粒,适合创建逼真的效果。
  • Niagara提供的工具可优化性能并控制粒子行为,允许技术艺术家自主创建复杂效果。
  • 该课程逐步指导学员,从简单到复杂的效果,无需编程知识。
  • 本课程适合对Niagara完全不了解的初学者,帮助他们建立稳固的实时特效知识基础。
  • 课程内容包括多种效果,如导弹、风格化火焰和烟雾等。
  • 学员在参加课程前需具备基本的虚幻引擎操作和材料知识。



  1. 材质编辑器:可用于创建自定义材质,结合粒子效果使用。材质编辑器可以在粒子的视觉呈现上提供丰富的变化。
  2. 蓝图(Blueprints):无需编程,通过蓝图可以控制粒子的行为和与其它对象的交互,提高特效的复杂性和互动性。
  3. 混合现实工具包:对于增强效果和交互体验,特别是在VR/AR应用中,可以与Niagara结合使用。
  4. 自定义HLSL着色器:有时需要在材质或特效中编写自定义的HLSL代码,以实现更复杂或特定的视觉效果。
  5. 第三方插件:一些第三方工具和插件,如Artomatix或Quixel,可以生成高质量的材质和纹理,与Niagara结合提高特效的逼真度。


Niagara is the most powerful and flexible particle system in the game engines,

One of the great features of Niagara is its ability to simulate millions of particles in real-time, making it perfect for creating realistic weather effects, explosions, and other large-scale effects. It also has a comprehensive set of tools for optimizing performance and controlling particle behavior based on various parameters such as distance, speed, and other game-related events.

Niagara also has a flexible and powerful system for working with materials, allowing developers to create unique and detailed particle effects that can be seamlessly integrated into the game world. With Niagara, the technical artist has the ability to create additional functionality on their own, without the assistance of a programmer, You can create very complicated effects without using a single line of code. It’s flexible and easy to understand.

I’ll teach you the powerful particle system in unreal engine by creating a wide variety of real time effects. We are going to start supper simple then gradually we’re gonna move to create more attractive and professional effects.

This course is for beginners who don’t know anything about Niagara or for those who want to dive into real time FX. After you finish watching this course, you will have solid knowledge in Niagara and you’ll be able to create your own real time FX confidently.

This is what we’re gonna do:

• Fast introduction to Niagara emitters and System.
• Creating Missile effect.
• Stylized fire.
• Smoke.
• Stylized Explosion.
• Creating Energy Ball.
• Creating materials for your game VFX
• Nuke Explosion
• And more VFX

Before you enroll in this course you should have basic knowledge of Unreal engine like understanding the user interface and basic knowledge about materials.

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