Release date:2018

Duration:02 h 00 m

Author:Jonathan Williamson

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

As modern workflows have incorporated more sculpting, the previous techniques of box-modeling and poly-modeling have seen less use. In place of these older workflows is a new synergy between artistically-driven sculpting and technically-minded poly-modeling, through a process known as Retopology. Retopology is the act of recreating an existing surface with more optimal geometry. A common use-case is creating a clean, quad-based mesh for animation, but it’s also used for most any final object that needs textured, animated, or otherwise manipulated in a way that sculpted meshes are not conducive to.

00_Fundamentals of Topology Lesson-00_Introduction to Retopology Lesson-01_A Primer on Mesh Flow Lesson-02_What are Edge loops and Face loops Lesson-03_Triangles, Quads, and NGons Lesson-04_Working with Poles

01_Visualizing Retopology Lesson-00_Adapting Mesh Display for Retopology

02_Retopology Methods Lesson-00_Using Blender’s Surface Snapping Tools Lesson-01_Using the Shrinkwrap Modifier Lesson-02_Combining Shrinkwrap and Surface Snapping

03_Retopology in Practice Lesson-00_Using Blender’s Surface Snapping Tools Lesson-01_Using the Shrinkwrap Modifier Lesson-02_Combining Shrinkwrap and Surface Snapping Lesson-00_Preparing the Retopology Object Lesson-01_Mapping Out the Topology Lesson-02_Retopologizing the First Form Lesson-03_Filling in the Orb Lesson-04_Extruding the Main Ridges Lesson-05_Filling the Voids Lesson-06_Sharpening the Details

04_Exercise Lesson-00_Completing the Robo-Orb Retopology

Robo Orb Sculpt.7z

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