Release date:2018, January 17
Duration:08 h 27 m
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Unity Game Development Coding In C#: Multiplayer Game Design Patterns In 3D & 2D, Learn Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Game development is a creative and a technical skill, which you need to have expert knowledge of the entire pipeline. Whether it’s developing your own indie games or working for a major game studio, you need to be familiarized with the practices of game development, or you will miss the opportunity to create awesome game, which other developers will do.What if you could change that? My complete Game Development course will show you the exact techniques and strategies you need to build & design games, master C#, create in 3D & 2D and use Unity to create games. For less than a movie ticket, you will get over 4 hours of video lectures and the freedom to ask me any questions regarding the course as you go through it.
What Is In This Course?
Your Game Development & Game Design Will Never Be The Same.
Except if you’re an expert at game development, character movements, AI behavior, colliders, menus, multiplayer games, scripting and audio sources, you are going to lose many job/career opportunities or even creating awesome games. This game development course will change how you build your games.
As what Dan Adelman, a leading expert in the game business, says ” A lot of indie developers who became ‘overnight successes’ were working at it for ten years.”
This is offered with a 30 days money back guarantee. You can try it with no financial risk.
In This Game Development Training, You’ll Learn:A Detailed Analysis Of C#
Game Creation
Unity 3D
Character Movements And Input Methods
Creating Characters, Animations, Power Ups And Battle Stages
Backgrounds And Shaders
Create Enemies With Basic AI Behavior
Audio Sources
User Interface Menus
Multiplayer Games
Unity Asset Store
Graphic Improvements In Unity
Create An Idle Business Tycoon Ame In Unity3D Using C#
Game Deployment And Marketing01 Introduction 001 Introduction 002 Developing A Positive Attitude Towards Problem Solving
02 C Fundamentals 003 C A Basic Introduction 004 A Detailed Analysis Of C
03 Game Creation 005 Game Creation Document 006 Unity 3D Introduction
04 Graphic Development 007 Graphics Overview 008 Character Movements And Input Methods 009 Creating Characters Animations Power Ups And Battle Stages 010 Colliders 011 Colliders (Part 2) 012 Backgrounds And Shaders
05 Artificial Intelligence (AI) 013 Create Enemies With Basic AI Behavior 014 Scripting
06 Advanced Unity 015 Audio Sources 016 User Interface Menus 017 The Navmesh And Its Use 018 Unity Ads
07 Advanced Game Development 019 Multiplayer Games 020 Unity Asset Store 021 Graphic Improvements In Unity 022 Create An Idle Business Tycoon Game In Unity3d Using C 023 Game Deployment And Marketing
08 BONUS Audio Section 024 Section 1 Audio 025 Section 2 Audio 026 Section 3 Audio 027 Section 4 Audio 028 Section 5 Audio 029 Section 6 Audio 030 Section 7 Audio

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