Title: The Gnomon Workshop – Creating Environment Art for Digital Production
Master professional environment art workflows using real-world studio practices. This 6-hour workshop by Lead Environment Artist Ciro Cardoso explores various topics, from modeling hero assets in Maya and creating vegetation using SpeedTree to creating your own look-dev tools in Houdini.

Each chapter of this workshop guides you through the entire process of creating a realistic environment, from selecting a concept design to assembling assets into a meticulously optimized scene. Delve into each stage of environment production, gaining practical insights into effectively navigating studio challenges along the way. Ciro shares many invaluable insights and techniques that are essential for thriving in a production environment.

The software used in this workshop includes Maya, ZBrush, Houdini, Substance Painter, SpeedTree, Arnold, and Fusion. As a bonus, included with this workshop are Ciro’s key Houdini project files provided with notes that offer in-depth explanations. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have developed confidence as a valuable artist who can deliver polished environments ready for other departments to work with and have learned how to keep your workflow as efficient as possible. The ultimate goal is to build your confidence and help transform you into a proficient and collaborative team player.

This workshop is geared toward junior and mid-level artists with a foundational knowledge of SpeedTree, Maya, Substance Painter, and Houdini. This comprehensive tutorial is ideal for artists entering the industry or taking initial steps within a studio setting.

课程时长:6小时10分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件

Speed Tree
Substance Painter

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