Release date:2018, July 11

Duration:01 h 55 m

Author:Justin Flett

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

By bringing your designs to life with animation, you can communicate precisely how your product should move—and show off how your product works in general. SOLIDWORKS offers tools and functions that can help engineering, design, and product teams generate animations of existing designs. In this course, learn what you need to know to create animations with this powerful 3D CAD software. Instructor Justin Flett steps through how to generate simple animations with the Animation Wizard, as well as how to create more complex animations using manual techniques and motion drivers. Plus, learn about basic physics-based motion and walkthrough animations.

Topics include: Working with MotionManager Reviewing common animation terminology Using the Animation Wizard to generate animations Making complex animations with the click and drag method Editing the timeline and views Changing display and appearances Using scenes and lighting in animations Controlling animation with mates Physics-based motion Creating walkthrough animations
Table of Contents


Welcome 1m 21s

What you should know 1m 27s

1. Getting Started

Activating the MotionManager 1m 23s

User interface 2m 57s

Animation timeline and terminology 1m 30s

2. Animation Wizard

Rotate Animation 2m 23s

Explode animation 3m 52s

Collapse animation 2m 5s

3. Manual Animations

Click and drag 5m 32s

Suppressing mates 4m 20s

Move with Triad 2m 16s

Using mates 4m 44s

4. Editing the Timeline and Views

Editing the Timeline 3m 34s

Reversing an Animation 3m 14s

View keys 2m 41s

Auto-view key and disable view playback 3m 15s

5. Appearances

Changing display and Appearances 6m 14s

Using display states 2m 59s

Scenes and lighting 4m 41s

Using scenes and lighting in Animations 3m 44s

6. Motion Drivers

Controlling animation with mates 5m 37s

Using the Mate Controller 5m 38s

Adding motors 2m 47s

Filters 2m 24s

7. Basic Motion: Physics-Based Motion

Animation vs. basic motion 1m 32s

Adding gravity and contact 4m 41s

Motors and contact and gravity 2m 31s

8. Cameras and Walkthrough Animations

Introduction to Cameras 4m 18s

Introduction to cameras part 2 4m 47s

Creating walkthrough Animations 7m 3s

Creating walkthrough animations part 2 5m 57s

Camera sleds 2m 40s

Conclusion Next steps 1m 41s

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