Release date:2022

Author:David Johnston

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Take still photographs to another level by adding movement to your images. Time-lapse photography gives you the ability to take a series of still images and show them to an audience using a fast frame rate to create amazing movement in your photography. This movement can feature changing weather, moving subjects, or shifting color tones throughout the sequence you shoot.

In this advanced photography class you’ll learn:

All about time-lapse photography math Factors that can alter a time-lapse Creating a compelling time-lapse composition Gear and tools needed to shoot time-lapse How to shoot still time-lapse sequences All about slider technology How to use a slider in the field Interesting weather that creates great time-lapse sequences How to factor in subject movement Different situations to shoot time-lapse in

In addition to detailed video instruction, this class provides you with a downloadable class guide that was designed to complement the topics you’ll explore so you can take notes as you explore time-lapse photography.

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