Release date:2018, June

Duration:04 h 11 m

Author: Joseph adam

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

Create professional designs.

Create professional Ads.

professionally Manipulate photos.

Learn new techniques and tools in Photoshop.

Requirements Be familiar with the basics of Adobe Photoshop

Description This is a professional design course that enables you to become a professional designer, and raise your level and develop your skills and learn new techniques. you can use what you learn here to work in design companies or as a freelancer on a lot of sites and you can also make profits through these techniques by using them in the right ways.

Who is the target audience?

People who want to become professional designers.

People who want to work on the advertising industry.

People who want to make their own designs.
Table of Contents

Introduction 01:04

Lesson 1: Design a Burger Ad. 22:40

Lesson 2: Design a sport poster. 11:47

Lesson 3: A car race design. 34:27

Lesson 4: A horse race design. 26:05

Lesson 5: A Yogurt product design. 14:39

Lesson 6: A VR design. 08:08

Lesson 7: A a lemon shaped cup of coffee design. 29:19

Lesson 8: A mini Golf court design. 21:46

Lesson 9: A movie poster design. 31:27

Lesson 10: An Ad about smoking hazards. 50:32

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