Release date:2016, October 4
Duration:02 h 34 m
Author:Aaron F. Ross
Skill level:Intermediate
Exercise files:Yes
Physically based rendering (PBR) simulates the way light works in the real world. It achieves greater realism with less effort than traditional 3D rendering. This course focuses on PBR shading techniques in 3ds Max, using the Physical Material to achieve photorealistic surfaces such as stone, glass, and metal. Author Aaron F. Ross also looks at building shading networks, and combining and adjusting maps in interesting ways. Procedural maps such as ambient occlusion and substance deserve special attention, and you’ll also see how to bake them out to bitmap files for cross-application and renderer compatibility. By the end of the course, you’ll have a firm foundation in advanced shading workflows in 3ds Max.
Topics include:Streamlining material editor workflow
Managing XREFs and materials
Laying out a scene for material testing
Using the Physical Material
Controlling highlights with Roughness
Directing reflections and refractions
Simulating translucency and scattering
Building a shading network
Combining and color correcting maps
Baking maps such as ambient occlusion
Procedural mapping with Substance
Using relief maps: bump, normal, and displacementIntroduction
Welcome 1m
Using the exercise files 4m 28s
1. Material Editor Tips and Tricks UsingPreview windows 4m 41s
Setting Material Editor options 3m 21s
Creating multiple view tabs 2m 39s
Storing materials in sample slots 7m 15s
Layout and select commands 4m 23s
Understanding XREFs and materials 7m 36s
2. Hard Surface Materials Rendering the PhysicalMaterial in ART 8m 17s Balancing reflections with roughness 4m 19s
Adjusting metalness and reflection color 4m 2s
Using IOR to control reflectance 3m 18s
Setting a custom reflectance function 3m 19s
Stretching highlights with Anisotropy 1m 54s
Understanding the bump channel 2m 19s
Adding a clear coat 2m 57s
3. Ray-Tracing TechniquesControlling physical transparency 6m 13s
Tinting with transparency depth 3m 13s
Backlighting with thin-walled translucency 2m 34s
Subsurface scattering for physical translucency 3m 20s
Light emission from a surface 2m 42s
4. Building Shading NetworksFuture-proofing material presets 6m 28s
Layering and masking with a composite map 6m 11s
Color adjustment with a color correction map 5m 56s
Preparing for baking 3m 21s
Applying ambient occlusion 3m 56s
Baking maps with Render to Texture 6m 15s
RGB curves adjustment with an output map 7m 11s
5. Advanced MappingMapping a gradient ramp 6m 38s
Procedural mapping with a substance map 6m 12s
Simulating relief detail with a normal bump map 5m 12s
Deforming surfaces with a displacement map 5m 22s
Combining maps with an RGB multiply map 7m 31s
Conclusion Next steps 54s00. Introduction 01 – Welcome 02 – Using the exercise files
01. Material Editor Tips and Tricks 03 – Using Preview windows 04 – Setting Material Editor options 05 – Creating multiple view tabs 06 – Storing materials in sample slots 07 – Layout and select commands 08 – Understanding XREFs and materials
02. Hard Surface Materials 09 – Rendering the Physical Material in ART 10 – Balancing reflections with roughness 11 – Adjusting metalness and reflection color 12 – Using IOR to control reflectance 13 – Setting a custom reflectance function 14 – Stretching highlights with Anisotropy 15 – Understanding the bump channel 16 – Adding a clear coat
03. Ray-Tracing Techniques 17 – Controlling physical transparency 18 – Tinting with transparency depth 19 – Backlighting with thin-walled translucency 20 – Subsurface scattering for physical translucency 21 – Light emission from a surface
04. Building Shading Networks 22 – Future-proofing material presets 23 – Layering and masking with a composite map 24 – Color adjustment with a color correction map 25 – Preparing for baking 26 – Applying ambient occlusion 27 – Baking maps with Render to Texture 28 – RGB curves adjustment with an output map
05. Advanced Mapping 29 – Mapping a gradient ramp 30 – Procedural mapping with a substance map 31 – Simulating relief detail with a normal bump map 32 – Deforming surfaces with a displacement map 33 – Combining maps with an RGB multiply map
06. Conclusion 34 – Next steps
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