Ziva Dynamics Ziva VFX是一款Maya插件,它能够模拟各类生物的皮肤肌肉以及骨骼,从而能够快速生成各类动物的肌肉以及骨骼运动动画,效果能够达到影视级别
学习Ziva VFX的基础知识,重点关注构建变形装备和开发工作流程实践,以帮助您快速创建可投入生产的生物和角色。Ghost VFX的生物主管导师 Madhav Shyam涵盖了创建逼真效果所需了解的建模、绑定和动画的所有基本方面。

掌握了建模基础知识后,Madhav开始从头开始构建手臂模拟装置。在本练习中,他使用Marcus Whinney的Sorceress Supreme模型作为基础。然后,重点转移到利用Maya中的Python脚本来协助构建,然后进入课程的最后部分:包装资源并模拟组织。Madhav使用 Ziva的解剖学转移工具,教您如何快速将他们的免费资产转变为您自己的自定义角色。The Gnomon Workshop – Introduction to Ziva VFX: Volume 1

本视频教程旨在教授构建可投入生产的Ziva模拟装置所需的所有必要技能。除了Marcus Whinney的Sorceress Supreme模型之外,Madhav还使用Ziva商店向拥有有效Ziva VFX许可证的用户提供的免费 Mr. Ink 资源。

课程时长:7小时55分钟 格式:高清1920×1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件

00. 预览
01. Ziva VFX 简介
02. Ziva VFX 建模和绑定
03. 手臂设置 1:肌肉模拟第 1 部分
04. 手臂设置 1:肌肉模拟第 2 部分
05. 手臂设置 1:肌肉模拟第 3 部分
06. 手臂设置 1:肌肉模拟第 4 部分
07. 手臂设置 2:脂肪模拟
08. 手臂设置 3:最终审查
09. Ziva VFX 的 Python
10. 解剖学传输 1:资产包裹
11. 解剖学传输 2:模拟传输
12. 解剖学传输 3 :最终审查
13. 生产管道

Maya Ziva VFX

Learn the basics of Ziva VFX with a focus on building deformation rigs and developing workflow practices to help you quickly create production-ready creatures and characters. Instructor Madhav Shyam, Creature Supervisor at Ghost VFX, covers all the essential aspects of modeling, rigging and animation that you need to know to create realistic results.

With the modeling basics covered, Madhav dives into building an arm simulation rig from scratch. For this exercise, he uses the Sorceress Supreme model from Marcus Whinney as the base. The focus then shifts briefly to utilizing Python scripting in Maya to assist with the builds, before jumping into the final segment of the workshop: wrapping the asset and simulating the tissue. Using Ziva’s anatomy transfer tool, Madhav teaches how you can quickly morph their free assets into your own custom characters.

This workshop aims to teach all the necessary skills you need to build a production-ready Ziva simulation rig. In addition to the Sorceress Supreme model by Marcus Whinney, Madhav also uses the free Mr. Ink asset available from the Ziva store to those with an active Ziva VFX license.

00. Preview
01. Introduction To Ziva VFX
02. Modeling & Rigging for Ziva VFX
03. Arm Setup 1: Muscle Simulation Part 1
04. Arm Setup 1: Muscle Simulation Part 2
05. Arm Setup 1: Muscle Simulation Part 3
06. Arm Setup 1: Muscle Simulation Part 4
07. Arm Setup 2: Fat Simulation
08. Arm Setup 3: Final Review
09. Python for Ziva VFX
10. Anatomy Transfer 1: Asset Wrap
11. Anatomy Transfer 2: Simulation Transfer
12. Anatomy Transfer 3: Final Review
13. Production Pipeline

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