Release date:2018

Duration:01 h 10 m

Author:Christopher Navarre

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Mini series on using Zenject for Dependency Injection and how to Unit / Integration / PlayMode (Scene) Test your code inside of Unity 2018. Teaches basics on how to use Zenject in your project and how to create automated tests with or without Zenject (but Zenject DI works really well for that sort of thing)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction to Zenject How to do Dependency Injection for a Unity 2018 Game Project 12:45

2. Dependency Injection for Dynamically Spawned Game Objects after Scene Load Unity 2018 Tutorial 14:02

3. Game Settings as Scriptable Object Installer Unity 2018 Zenject Dependency Injection Tutorial 7:59

4. Basic Unit Testing Setup with Assembly Definition Files Unity 2018 Tutorial 12:13

5. Unit Testing with Zenject Dependency Injection Unity 2018 Tutorial 15:07

6. PlayMode Tests for GameObjects in Scene Context Unity Testing 2018 Tutorial 8:12

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