你好!我已经有一段时间没有机会在 gigroad 上上传东西了。该视频是在上海录制的讲座,并在互联网上发布。很多人要求这个的字幕版本,所以我请我的朋友(本文的作者)翻译并添加字幕。如果您希望以后有更多视频,请支持此英文字幕版本的发布!







2. 循序渐进,多举例。






It’s been awhile since I’ve had the chance to upload something on gumroad. This video is a recorded lecture in Shanghai that was released on the internet. Many people asked for a subtitled version of this so I asked my friend (the writer of this) to translate and subtitled it. Please support the release of this English subtitled version if you would like to have more videos in the future!

This time we’re releasing the video into two parts. The first part is an one hour long video fully subtitled and divided into perspective, proportion, and structure.

The perspective section demonstrates how to rotate objects on a plane, and keeping multiple items in background in perspective. The lesson teaches students to be able to draw objects from every possible angle.

The proportion section demonstrates the foreshortening of objects and how to calculate the space between objects and their sizes. The practical application on the human body is also shown as I draw various foreshortened poses with measured accuracy.

The structure section demonstrates how to divide the human body into simpler parts and builds it into more complicated forms. Difficult subjects such as hands and feet are broken down into basic geometric forms and shown how to draw them in various angles without references.

Each section of the tutorial will contain:

1. Explanation of the theories.

2. Step by step progress with many examples.

This time we have a treat for you all! Same as before, this is a recorded lecture from Krenz’s lecture in China. This time, however, is a full coloring tutorial from beginning to end on how Krenz tackles illustrations from start to finish.

Krenz will show you how he plans the composition and divide the general shapes and determine the angles of each object.

Later on the video shows him adding colors layer by layer until all the colors are laid. This video follow his train of thoughts as he plan out lines of action, focal points, key colors, and many other components to paintings.

Finally, a three part FAQs with the local students as they ask relevant questions to the current painting and Krenz explains the techniques in details.

Krenz Lecture 1
Krenz Lecture 2
Krenz Lecture 3

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