Release date:2022, September

Author:Burhan AFŞAR

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What you’ll learn

Create Grid Based Advanced Inventory System. Create Strong ‘Item’ Architecture with Object Oriented Programming and Scriptable Object Create JSON based Save and Load System Create Spawner System by Frequency Design the Inventory UI Create Dragging System, Tooltip Panel and Action Menu


At least intermediate knowledge of Unity is required.

Basic math knowledge about matrix.

Energy and desire for development.

Description The Inventory system is very important in game development. Developing a grid-based inventory system is more difficult than a single – slot inventory system. Also, this has math computation difficulty. We will overcome all these difficulties together. At the end of this course, you will develop an inventory system like the Escape From Tarkov’s inventory system.

In This Course:

Grid-Based Advanced Inventory System

Strong a “Item” Structure with OOP & Scriptable Object

JSON Based Advanced Save & Load System

Spawner System by Frequency

Many more things …

The Project was developed with OOP and Scriptable Object. Therefore, you can refer to Item architecture in this project for your games and develop professionally.

In this project, the items were saved and loaded with JSON Based Save & Load System.

In this project, the items spawned in different containers at different frequencies.

At the end of this course, you will develop an inventory system like the Escape From Tarkov’s inventory system.

This course includes: Item take and drop, drag and tooltip, search container, use item, save & load manager and more mechanic.

The course was recorded in 1080p. Also, you can enable subtitles.

I hope this course will be useful for you. If you have anything on your mind, you can let me know in the question and answer section.

What you’ll learn

This course is for minimum intermediate Unity

users who want to create grid based advanced inventory system.

Indie Game Developers
01. Introduction & Setup

01. Welcome To The Course 02. Create New Project in Unity

02. Inventory System’ s UI

01. Create a Slot Background Image With Photoshop 02. Create a Slot Background Image With Web App 04. Import The UI Asset as Unity Package 05. Design The Inventory System s UI 06. Create Prefabs of Items and Slot

03. Inventory System

01. Create The Item Architecture as Scriptable Object and OOP 02. The Matrix Notation 03. The Unity GUID 04. Create The Panel Script 05. Create Items 06. Create The LootData Script and Add The Containers 07. Create The SlotData Script 08. Create The Spawn Manager Script 09. Create The Player Controller Script & Unity New Input System 10. Singleton Pattern Design 11. Show The Items On Inventory UI

04. Drag System

01. Item Drag System I 02. Slot Drop System 03. Item Drag System II 04. Item Rotation System

05. UI Development

01. Item Tooltip System 02. Item Action Menu 03. Drag Action Menu From Title 04. Item Drop System 05. Player Status – Hunger & Thirst 06. Pause Menu 07. Bug Fix

06. JSON Based Save & Load System

01. SaveData & SaveManager

[Udemy] Advanced Inventory System in Unity.7z [Udemy] Advanced Inventory System in Unity_Subtitles.7z

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