Release date:2018, April 27

Duration:02 h 35 m

Author:Von Glitschka

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Brand characters—visual personas that represent a company or product—can have a powerful impact on how audiences feel about your brand. This course walks through how to design a compelling brand character using the world’s leading vector illustration software: Adobe Illustrator. Instructor Von Glitschka begins by demonstrating how to research the creative cues needed to design a brand character, and then moves to the development of the character: styling, sketching, building, and coloring vector-based character art, and choosing the right typography. Final deliverables are addressed, as well as how clients can use your character design for promotion.

Table of Contents


Welcome 5m 49s

1. Project Research and Preparation

Mining information 9m 48s

Choosing an appropriate style 13m 1s

Defining aesthetic 21m 18s

2. Creating Brand Character

Drawing character ideas 9m 9s

Building brand character 18m 19s

Creating a brand logotype 20m 14s

Coloring brand character 19m 26s

Creating secondary brand graphics 12m 41s

3. Final Brand Character Assets

Brand character guidelines 11m 59s

Brand character usage samples 12m 23s

Conclusion Next steps 1m 37s

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