Release date:2017, June
Duration:01 h 03 m
Author:Bill Gardner
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
In this course, Bill Gardner shows you how he pulls together the annual logo Trend Report, demonstrating how to identify trends. Bill explains how trends develop and shares why spotting trends is important to logo designers. He takes you through the process of tracing the evolution of specific trends as examples. This leads to a trained eye that can more readily predict what future paths trends may take. Using this skill, designers gain a distinct edge on the competition.
Topics include:
The evolution of logo trends
Examining the monoline trend
Crests and geodimensional objects
Examining the transparency trend
Overlapping objects
Geometric dimensional
Real life dimensional
Putting trend spotting into practice
Predicting trendsIntroduction
Welcome 2m 13s
1. How Trends DevelopHow we map out trends 2m 35s
Why trend spotting is important 4m 6s
Trends: Looking back 4m 44s
Design is evolutionary 6m 20s
2. Tracing the Evolution of MonolineThe monoline trend 1m 9s
History of monoline 3m 9s
When monoline began to fork off 2 m 40s
Morphing into crests 2m 51s
Morphing into geodimensional objects 2m 24s
Morphing into typography 3m 6s
Where monoline could go to next 1m 11s
3. Tracing the Evolution of Transparency
The transparency trend 2m 17s
History of transparency 3m 28s
When transparency began to fork off 3m 1s
Morphing into overlapping objects 3m 10s
Morphing into geometric dimensional 2m 22s
Morphing into real life dimensional 3m 7s
Where transparency could go to next 1m 22s
4. Predicting the Future Paths of TrendsPutting this into practice 2m 27s
Challenge: Predict the trend 1m 17s
Solution: Predict the trend 2m 19s
Conclusion Next steps 2m 15s0.0 Introduction.topic 0.1.Welcome Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 0.2.Why are trends important Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 0.3.A shifting brand environment Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 1.0 Why Trends.topic 1.1.A stride toward simplicity Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 1.2.Discovering new symbology Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 2.0 Line.topic 2.1.Stimming A repetitive loop Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 2.2.Bars Building with repetition Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 2.3.Line dash Hierarchy of line Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 3.0 Shape.topic 3.1.Circles The universal shape Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 3.2.Corners Defining boundaries Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 3.3.Pocket shields Tomorrows crest Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 4.0 Type.topic 4.1.Off shift Exposing the hidden message Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 4.2.Letter block Fitting the square Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 4.3.Dog ears A customized container Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 5.0 Dimension.topic 5.1.Slices Layering in hidden dimension Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 5.2.Benders Unexpected agile shapes Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 5.3.Curls A mystery form is born Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 6.0 Surface.topic 6.1.Ombré A gradient with breaks Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 6.2.Half and half Light and not so light Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 6.3.Linked Building visual bonds Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 7.0 Conclusion 7.Forecasting future logo trends Logo Trend Report 2016-2017 Info.txt

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