Release date:2018

Duration:01 h 42 m

Author:Athanasios Pozantzis

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

In this series, Thanassis will show you a few methods for placing labels on bottles and other packaging designs.

We will focus on 3 methods. First, how to Apply the label using UV coordinates. Secondly, how to apply it using a Surface Deformer, and finally using a Cylindrical Projection.

To make sure everyone is inline with the content, we have also made another two videos:

One about Unwrapping the UVs for this particular bottle, and the other is an overview of the Surface Deformer.
Table of Contents

1. How to Put Labels on 3D Objects: Introduction

2. How to Put Labels on 3D Objects: Preparing UV Coordinates for Label Placement

3. How to Put Labels on 3D Objects: Applying a Label as a Decal Using UV Coordinates

4. How to Put Labels on 3D Objects: Overview of the Surface Deformer

5. How to Put Labels on 3D Objects: Applying a Label Using the Surface Deformer

6. How to Put Labels on 3D Objects: Applying a Label on a Bottle Using Cylindrical Projection

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