Release date:2018, September

Duration:01 h 28 m

Author: Astronomic Skills

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn? Make complex Hard-Surface models in Cinema 4D.

Requirements Maxon Cinema 4D R19

Description Welcome to my course – Advanced Hard-Surface Modeling Techniques in Cinema 4D. You will learn the most advanced techniques to model complex geometry in the most efficient ways possible. This course will give you an arsenal of techniques to tackle any modeling project that you may need to accomplish. Look at this course as you personal resource and reference to your Cinema 4D modeling needs.

This course will be continually updated based on new Releases of Cinema 4D.

This course covers:

Polypen tool


Subdivision Surface.



Axis Tools

Curved surfaces.

Flat plane modeling.

Cylindrical Modeling.

Symmetrical Modeling

Modeling using Subdivisions.

Modeling using References.

Who is the target audience? Cinema 4D users that are ready to learn something more challenging.

Table of Contents

Introduction 00:57

Introduction 00:57

Flat Plane Modeling Technique 21:46

Lesson: Flat Plane Modeling Technique 21:46

Cylindrical Modeling Technique 31:47

Cylindrical Model Technique 1 09:15

Cylindrical Model Technique 2 11:35

Making Holes in Cylinders 10:57

Using an Object as a reference 19:19

Using a Disc for modeling Curved surface 19:19

Using Deformers to shape Geometry Technique 14:22 Using the Bend Deformer 14:22

1. Introduction 1. Introduction

2. Flat Plane Modeling Technique 1. Lesson Flat Plane Modeling Technique

3. Cylindrical Modeling Technique 1. Cylindrical Model Technique 1 2. Cylindrical Model Technique 2 3. Making Holes in Cylinders

4. Using an Object as a reference 1. Using a Disc for modeling Curved surface

5. Using Deformers to shape Geometry Technique 1. Using the Bend Deformer


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