Release date:2020, October 9

Author:Steven Knipping

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to Applied Houdini Volumes V – Explosions, where we’ll talk all about how to simulate, shade, and render a cinematic explosion in Houdini! We’ll start by learning to create and control combustion style simulations in the sparse pyro solver, and then take it further by using PDG to run a bunch of wedged sims so that we can work more effeciently. Custom simulation and post-simulation techniques, together with custom shader and lighting strategies, will allow us to create production quality work in ways that out of the box tools just can’t. After some compositing, we’ll end up with a great explosion – but more importantly, the knowledge and confidence to hack solvers and shaders to create all kinds of effects! Master all this and more right now with Applied Houdini Volumes V – Explosions.

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