Release date:2017, November 8

Duration:03 h 45 m

Author:Aaron F. Ross

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Bifröst for Maya 2018 includes many welcome updates to the liquid simulation plugin, Bifröst Fluids. With Maya 2018.1, Arnold supports exciting new ways to render fluids in better fidelity without heavy mesh caches. This course takes an overview of simulating liquids in Bifröst and rendering in Arnold. For convincing materials, instructor Aaron F. Ross shows how to extract fluid dynamics data such as vorticity and apply it in an Arnold shading network. To finish the exploration of fluids, he takes a look at Bifröst foam, which generates secondary particles from the main fluid.

00 Introduction 00 Welcome 01 Using the exercise files

01 Simulating a Liquid 01 Meeting prerequisites 02 Understanding Bifrost 03 Choosing Bifrost options 04 Setting scene preferences 05 Laying out the scene 06 Emitting liquid from a mesh 07 Selecting Bifrost nodes in the Outliner 08 Analyzing the simulation in the Node Editor 09 Pushing liquid with a Motion Field 10 Colliding with objects

02 Fine-Tuning a Liquid Simulation 01 Culling particles with a Killplane 02 Tuning time steps 03 Tuning transport steps 04 Adding friction and drag with a motion field 05 Enabling optional Bifrost channels

03 Caching and Meshing 01 Writing a user cache 02 Reading and disabling a user cache 03 Meshing the particles 04 Caching a mesh to BIF files 05 Exporting to Alembic 06 Referencing an Alembic mesh 07 Setting an initial state 08 Advanced caching with cache control

04 Shading a liquid 01 Displaying channel data as particle color 02 Displaying channel data as mesh vertex color 03 Rendering a liquid polygon mesh in Arnold 04 Rendering the shape node in Arnold 05 Rendering meshed voxels 06 Accessing available Bifrost channels 07 Shading with Bifrost channels using aiUserData 08 Remapping Bifrost channel data 09 Converting velocity to a grayscale float 10 Combining Bifrost channel data 11 Building a layered shader 12 Mapping specular roughness

05 Simulating Foam 01 Generating foam from a liquid 02 Adjusting foam attributes 03 Caching foam 04 Rendering foam in Arnold 05 Shading a foam surface with Density

06 Conclusion Next steps

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