Release date:2018

Duration:02 h 49 m

Author:Film VFX

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Do you want to start your first day in NUKE with a Fast Track to get you up and running? And learn how to make your first compositing in 20 minutes?

Join this class. You will learn the industry standard compositing software faster.

You will learn:

– How to make your first NUKE compositing, in 20 minutes

– How to move in the interface with ease

– What inputs are recommended in the VFX industry,

– How to use The Grade node, one of the most used nodes in Color correction in Nuke

– Have advanced control over your highlights, mid-tones and shadows ColorCorrect Node

– Target specific color for correction with HueCorrect Node

– Unleash your creativity with the HueShift Node

– And because there is No VFX without Roto, you will learn how to use the Roto node with ease

– Add the power of the Rotopaint Node to your NUKE Compositing skills, and as a bonus, blue or green screen keying.

Yes, layer based compositing works (e.g. After Effects), BUT nothing beats the clarity, professionalism, level of control, and power of node based compositing, the approach used the film industry.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 0:43

2. 1. Nuke Interface 19:47

3. 2. Up and running fast with COMPOSITING 21:05

4. 3. Nuke input and image sequences 7:03

5. 4. Color Correction: Grade Node 17:55

6. 5. Color Correction: ColorCorrect Node 8:07

7. 6. Color Correction: HueCorrect Node 6:27

8. 7. Color Correction: HueShift Node 5:38

9. 8. Rotoscoping: Roto Node 13:26

10. 9. Make people disappear or duplicate them with RotoPaint Node 17:26

11. 10. [Bonus] Key a blue or green screen 51:33

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