Release date:2021


Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Draw manga characters with a warm atmosphere.

Manga Hello,I’m Yunji. I work in various fields from illustration to animation to webtoons. In my class, you will learn how to draw a manga-like illustration that captures the memorable feelings of love.

Illustrations that reach out to everyone.

Character I mainly draw illustrations that look like a scene from a manga. This is because I want to convey to people who see my lovely and cute work the happy emotions I have drawn. So, a lot of my illustrations convey a warm atmosphere. Capturing someone’s happy moments in illustration is my greatest pleasure and dream.

Drawing with Clip Studio and tablet.

Drawing I mainly work with Clip Studio and the Wacom Cintiq. Clip Studio has a wide variety of brushes and assets, making work easy. It has a diamond-shaped brush for shiny illustrations, a watercolor-colored brush, and various layer properties that influence color and mood, making it easier to achieve higher quality.

This is why Clip Studio is a program optimized for drawing character illustrations. In addition, there is an easy animation function, so you can easily transform your illustration into animation, all through Clip Studio.

You can be an illustrator too.

Illustrator Like in learning anything, learning to draw comes in steps. After learning the basics of drawing from drawing characters to screen composition and atmosphere, I would like to introduce lessons that deal with transparent and bright watercolor style coloring and eventually teach you to create an animation.

One by one from the basics of character drawing.

Character Drawing

Naturally flowing hair.

Hair When drawing a character, one of the most difficult parts is drawing hair. How do you express the texture and shape of naturally scattering hair? When used right, it can become the charm point of your illustration!

At the beginning and end of an illustration, the atmosphere.

Atmosphere The important thing is to get rid of unnecessary things and take only what you need. First, I’ll help you pick out a theme, set the overall atmosphere that goes well with the theme, and then think about how to make the scene look more beautiful.

Directing the charm of the illustration.

Charm Depending on how you produce the same subject, it may look completely different. You can create a more magical atmosphere by highlighting certain parts. Even if only the hair is changed with everything else the exact same, it can feel like a completely different illustration? You can improve the quality of the picture by just changing a small part and expressing it differently. By the end of the class, you will have the ability to organize the screen according to your intentions.

Draw a character on a picture you took.

Picture It can be difficult to draw a background from the beginning. The best way to learn to do that is by drawing characters on a real photo! When you start by drawing on photos, you will slowly start to understand how you should compose your illustrations.

A before and after of background correction.

Background A lot of people have been wondering how I get such a magical background from a photo. Here’s a before and after correction of one of my actual works. In this class, I will share my own personal color correction techniques I have accumulated as an artist, and how to efficiently use CG’s functions and characteristics to get backgrounds like mine.

Tens of thousands of feelings in one picture.

Feelings Correction can also be used to draw a character that reveals personality at a glance and make the atmosphere of your illustrations more beautiful.

Dim photos become a cool and bright illustration in the watercolor style, and the pale and dull colors become sparkling and pure cartoon colors! You can apply dozens of colors through corrections using a simple theory without a particularly difficult process.

Beautifully drawn characters with a bit of movement.

Movement I will show you how to make a short animation based on the skills you learn in class. Learn to add a blinking motion that brings your character to life. Contrast coloring techniques that are characteristic of animation work are also easy to learn.

I want to share the pleasure of painting with you.

Pleasure Above all else, I want to help my students enjoy painting. The parts that seem difficult will quickly become easy, and the colors will start to naturally blend into your illustrations! Draw each element with all of your affection and create happy memories.

00 Welcome to Yunji’s Digital Drawing Class 01 Meet Yunji 02 Introducing the Class 03 Taking a look at the tablet and Clip Studio

01 The Basics of Clip Studio 1-1 Exploring Clip Studios Interface 1-2 Clip Studios basic tools and using layers 1-3 Setting up your shortcuts 1-4 An intro to the brushes & assets well use

02 Drawing Cute Character Faces 2-1 Harmonious character face proportions 2-2 Incorporating the deforme technique 2-3 Drawing facial features with your characters unique characteristics

03 Drawing Graceful Characters 3-1 Understanding the proportions of the human body 3-2 Drawing characters in various poses 3-3 Drawing detailed hands and feet

04 Drawing Clothes with Lively Textures 4-1 The basic of wrinkles 4-2 Drawing different kinds of wrinkles 4-3 Drawing characters with clothes

05 Drawing Natural Hair 5-1 Understanding the flow of hair 5-2 Drawing different hairstyles 5-3 Drawing hair in wind-breeze 5-4 Coloring the hair 5-5 Drawing hairstyles that are laid down

06 Creating a Layout the Way You Want 6-1 Layout based on the proportions of your screen 6-2 Understanding and retouching different kinds of layers

07 Coloring in the Watercolor Style 7-1 How to determine the proportion of drawing a couple 7-2 Color schemes that never fail 7-3 How to color twinkling eyes 7-4 How to get a higher quality illustration with colors 7-5 Retouching as a light tone and pure look

08 Finishing Your Illustration with Editing 8-1 Advanced Skill- A couple illustration 8-2 Advanced skill- A thee people illustration

09 Bonus-Creating a Simple Animation 9-1 Draw a eye blinking animation- from start to finish

10 Congratulations on Finishing the class! In closing- Continue to expand your painting world!

[Class 101] A Digital Drawing Class – Manga Charecters Drawing with an iPad or Tablet.7z

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