本课程旨在教授如何创建高级动态库存系统,包括库存设计、用户界面设计、小部件、蓝图沟通、高级阵列、结构先进、生命条、货币系统、拾取物品、装备物品、标签系统、操作菜单、UI 中的 3D 模型、使用物品和拖放等方面。适合初学者和中级用户,需要了解虚幻引擎的基础知识。课程包含非常活跃的友好的不和谐频道,可以加入并提出问题并获得帮助。Unreal Engine 5 Ui Design: Advance Inventory System With Ue5


课程时长:11.5小时 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件

– 库存设计
– 用户界面设计
– 小部件
– 蓝图通信
– 高级数组
– 结构设计
– 生命条
– 货币系统
– 物品拾取
– 物品装备
– 标签系统
– 操作菜单
– UI中的3D模型
– 物品使用
– 拖放功能

– 适合初学者,但需要了解虚幻引擎的基础知识
– 如果您的游戏需要库存系统,则无需其他要求


Design Inventory sysytem like legend of zelda with all functionality in unreal engine 5

What you’ll learn
Inventory Design
UI Design
Blueprint communication
Advance arrays
advance structure
Health bar
Money system
Pick up item
Equipe Item
Tabs System
Action menu
3D model in UI
using Items
Drag and Drop

Beginner friendly but you need to know about unreal engine at least some basic knowledge
If you need a Inventory system in your game you dont need any requirements

Hello Everybody, in this course we are going to learn everything that you need to know about creating a advanced dynamic inventory systemwe will start with very basic stuff like importing files then we start with the money management system for the UI after that we start designing the health bar similar to legends of zelda health barnext we will learn about the Tab system in unreal engine 5then we will learn how to pick items up then we will be creating a dynamic inventory System we learn to work with arrays and structures.we will also learn about components and why we should use themwe also learn about how to write code in a modular way so it can be reusable within your game.next we will create item holders and item info widgets so we can hover over a specific item that will give us the information value like power, name, and description.Then we will also learn how to add a 3d body to our UIAlso we learn how to use and equip itemsat the end we learn about drag and drop and how it works completelywe have a very active friendly discord channel that you can join and ask your questions and get help we have a legend there that is always around and willing to helpso let us begin, and I hope you really enjoy the course This course is for both Beginners and intermediate users so I have tried my best to accommodate everyone in this course, Thank you.

Section 1: 01.Project setup ( Absolute Beginner )

Lecture 1 01.Course structure

Lecture 2 02.Course Files

Lecture 3 03.Import the files to unreal engine

Lecture 4 04.Material for money

Section 2: 02.Money ( Intermediate )

Lecture 5 05.Create Blueprint for money

Lecture 6 06.Data table and structure

Lecture 7 07.Pick money up

Lecture 8 08.Add amount to character money

Lecture 9 09.Create widget blueprint

Lecture 10 10.Enhanced input

Lecture 11 11.Show inventory

Lecture 12 12.Hide Inventory

Section 3: 03.Components ( Intermediate )

Lecture 13 13.Create component

Lecture 14 14.Transfer variables and nodes to component

Lecture 15 15.Events in Components

Section 4: 04.Money UI ( Intermediate )

Lecture 16 16.Borders and text

Lecture 17 17.Money UI

Lecture 18 18.Comunicate between component and widget

Section 5: 05.Health Bar UI ( Pro )

Lecture 19 19.User created widget

Lecture 20 20.Heart widget UI

Lecture 21 21.Heart widget Coding

Lecture 22 22.Max health and health logic

Lecture 23 23.empty heart and half heart coding

Lecture 24 24.Draw Hearts

Lecture 25 25.Increase and Decrease the Health

Lecture 26 26.Use Health bar in vieport as well

Section 6: 06.Guid Ui ( Intermediate )

Lecture 27 27.Create Guid for R Button

Lecture 28 28.Alignments

Lecture 29 29.Y Button guid

Lecture 30 30.A and B Button Guid

Section 7: 07.Inventory Tab ( Intermediate )

Lecture 31 31.Create tabs button

Lecture 32 32.Hovered and Clicked event effects

Lecture 33 33.Challenge Done

Lecture 34 34.Widget switcher

Lecture 35 35.Pre construct

Lecture 36 36.Keyboard selection

Section 8: 08.Pick Item Up ( Pro )

Lecture 37 37.Struct for Items

Lecture 38 38.Data tables for Items

Lecture 39 39.Enums

Lecture 40 40.Item Physics

Lecture 41 41.Trace to pickup

Lecture 42 42.get picked up Item Data

Lecture 43 43.Pick Up guid UI

Lecture 44 44.Pick up UI Code

Section 9: 09.Arrays for UI ( Pro )

Lecture 45 45.Struct of arrays

Lecture 46 46.Enhanced input for Pick Up Items

Lecture 47 47.Check the Item Type

Lecture 48 48.Add to Item that is already in inventory

Lecture 49 49.Succes on adding to inventory or not logic

Lecture 50 50.Create item inside inventory array

Lecture 51 51.Sword array create slot from scratch

Lecture 52 52.Increase sword quantity logic

Lecture 53 53.Shield array with copy and paste

Section 10: 10.Slot UI ( Pto )

Lecture 54 54.Create slot border

Lecture 55 55.Slot icon and hover effect

Lecture 56 56.Quantity UI

Lecture 57 57.Box quantity Zero

Lecture 58 58.Set values of slot UI

Lecture 59 59.Slot hover

Section 11: 11.Slot Codes ( Pro )

Lecture 60 60.Use slot in wrap boxes

Lecture 61 61.Add items to wrap box of sword

Lecture 62 62.Use macros

Section 12: 12.Item Info UI ( Intermediate )

Lecture 63 63.Create Item Info Widget

Lecture 64 64.Item info UI design

Lecture 65 65.Item info Code

Lecture 66 66.Where put item info

Lecture 67 67.Item info on pick up

Lecture 68 68.Hide item info at begining

Lecture 69 69.update item info

Lecture 70 70.Not show item info for quantity zero

Section 13: 13.Action Menu ( Pro )

Lecture 71 71.Action menu Base layout

Lecture 72 72.Buttons Design

Lecture 73 73.Show action menu

Lecture 74 74.Action menu position

Lecture 75 75.Hover effect for action menu

Lecture 76 76.Action Menu texts

Section 14: 14.3D Mesh in UI ( Pro )

Lecture 77 77.Scene capture

Lecture 78 78.Mask 3d body

Section 15: 15.Using Eatables Items ( Pro )

Lecture 79 79.Use eatables

Lecture 80 80.Update health bar in inventory

Lecture 81 81.Update inventory quantity

Lecture 82 82.Action menu use eatables

Section 16: 16.Equipe Sword and shield Part 01 ( Pro )

Lecture 83 83.Add socket

Lecture 84 84.Set sword and shield function

Lecture 85 85.Equipe sword and shield

Lecture 86 85.Equipe sword and shield with action menu

Section 17: 17.Drop Eatables Item ( Pro )

Lecture 87 86.Spawn item actor from class

Lecture 88 87.Drop eatables

Lecture 89 88.Drop Eatables with more quantity

Section 18: 18.Equipe Sword and shield Part 02 ( Pro )

Lecture 90 89.Equiped Item visualization

Lecture 91 90.Equipe Slot visual logic

Lecture 92 91.Equipe Slot visual logic on Action Menu

Lecture 93 92.Equiped sword logic explained

Lecture 94 93.Show equiped sword in inventory

Lecture 95 94.Show equiped Shield in inventory

Section 19: 19.Drop Weapon ( Pro )

Lecture 96 95.Drop sword and shield

Section 20: 20.Drag Operation ( Pro )

Lecture 97 96.Detecting drag

Lecture 98 97.Get dragged Item data and show it

Lecture 99 98.Delete Draged item from last index

Lecture 100 99.Dragged Item visual

Lecture 101 100.Drag eatables and Shields

Section 21: 21.Drop Operation ( Pro )

Lecture 102 101.Get dragged item information

Lecture 103 102.Items with same name

Lecture 104 103.Reposition Item to empty slot

Lecture 105 104.Swap Items

Lecture 106 105.Drop eatables and shields

Section 22: 22.Drop Item with drag and drop ( Pro )

Lecture 107 106.Drop with drag and drop

Section 23: 23.Congratulation

Lecture 108 107.Congratulation

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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!
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