Autodesk Alias Design、Autodesk Alias Surface、Autodesk Alias AutoStudio、Autodesk Alias SpeedForm和Autodesk Alias Concept软件—支持概念视觉传达、设计建模、技术表面、逆向工程、实时设计可视化和工程开发协作。Autodesk Alias产品是Autodesk数字原型解决方案的一部分,它通过高级草图绘制、建模和可视化工具为您的创意设计流程提供动力。
Alias AutoStudio是下一代汽车设计、造型和表面技术的高端解决方案。Alias AutoStudio软件为整个车辆设计流程提供了一套广泛的草图绘制、建模、可视化和分析工具。通过提供从概念生成到A级表面的连续工作流程,该软件帮助汽车公司更快地进行设计迭代,减少返工,并更快地将创新汽车推向市场。
Autodesk Alias Concept软件提供了一个强大的工具集,支持端到端的创意设计流程。该软件包将草图和概念建模与设计表面建模和可视化功能相结合,使设计师和概念建模师能够快速定义、探索和交流大量设计方案,从而增加挑选下一个获奖设计的决策基础。
Autodesk Alias Surface软件提供了一整套动态3D曲面建模功能。该软件使数字建模师能够将设计概念发展成用于消费产品设计的生产表面模型和用于汽车设计和造型的高质量A级表面。Alias Surface软件还支持高级逆向工程功能,使数字建模者能够快速从网格数据转换到高质量的A级表面,为工程细节设计做好准备。

我们很高兴推出我们新的Alias 2024版本,您将看到我们全新的现代化用户体验和新的工作流程,以及一些令人兴奋的建模、动画、标记、Dynamo等新功能。

Autodesk Alias产品2024.0 合集共 13.1 Gb
Autodesk Alias AutoStudio 2024.0
Autodesk Alias Surface 2024.0
Autodesk Alias Concept 2024.0

Alias发布后,您首先会注意到的是新的外观和感觉。Alias用户体验有了重大改进。这种新的用户体验有助于Alias新用户的易学性,同时仍然保持我们的长期用户已经开始欣赏的熟悉的Alias DNA。开发这种新的用户体验花费了大量时间。此版本还提供了其他非常有用的功能:

系统要求:Windows **
大小:13.1 Gb

Autodesk has released Alias Products 2024.0. This release introduces several new features, fixes, and improvements, and addresses many customer-reported crashes and issues.

Alias 2024 What’s New – Date: June 23, 2023
The first thing you will notice with the Alias release is the new look and feel. There has been a major overhaul of the Alias user experience. This new user experience aids in learnability for new users of Alias, while still maintaining the familiar Alias DNA that our long-time users have grown to appreciate. Developing this new user experience took a significant amount of time. This release also offers other very useful features:
– A new onboarding screen with links to the Help system and Help videos
– New markup and animation editors for improved collaboration and presentation
– The ability to easily place features onto curved surfaces
– A better method to give control over the curvature at the end of a surface

Autodesk Alias Design, Autodesk Alias Surface, Autodesk Alias AutoStudio, Autodesk Alias SpeedForm and Autodesk Alias Concept software—support concept visual communication, design modeling, technical surfacing, reverse engineering, real-time design visualization, and engineering development collaboration. Autodesk Alias products, part of the Autodesk solution for Digital Prototyping, power your creative design process with advanced sketching, modeling, and visualization tools.
Alias AutoStudio is the next generation premium solution for automotive design, styling and technical surfacing. Alias AutoStudio software provides an extensive set of sketching, modelling, visualisation, and analysis tools for the entire vehicle design process. By providing a continuous workflow from concept generation through Class-A surfacing, the software helps automotive companies produce design iterations quicker, reduce rework and bring innovative vehicles to market faster.
Autodesk Alias Concept software offers a powerful tool set supporting the end to end creative design process. This software bundle combines sketching and conceptual modeling with design surface modeling and visualization capabilities, enabling designers and concept modelers to quickly define, explore and communicate large numbers of design proposals, thus increasing the decision-base for picking the next winning design.
Autodesk Alias Surface software offers a full set of dynamic 3D surface modelling capabilities. The software enables digital modellers to evolve design concepts into production surface models for consumer product design and high-quality Class-A surfaces for automotive design and styling. Alias Surface software also supports advanced reverse engineering capabilities enabling digital modellers to quickly go from mesh data to high-quality Class-A surfaces ready for engineering detail design.

We are thrilled to introduce our new Alias 2024 release, where you will see our brand new modernized User Experience and new workflows along with some exciting new features for modeling, animation, Markups, Dynamo and so on.
Autodesk helps people imagine, design and create a better world. Everyone—from design professionals, engineers and architects to digital artists, students and hobbyists—uses Autodesk software to unlock their creativity and solve important challenges.

Owner: Autodesk
Product Name: Alias Products *
Version: 2024.0
Supported Architectures: x64
Website Home Page :
Languages Supported: english
System Requirements: Windows **

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