使用Adobe Photoshop、Adobe Illustrator、Adobe Lightroom学习图形设计,你是否热衷于释放你的创造力,将你的想法变成令人惊叹的视觉杰作?不要再看了!这是一门综合性的Udemy课程,旨在让您掌握使用Adobe Photoshop、Illustrator和Lightroom进行图形设计的基本技能和知识。无论您是初学者还是希望提高现有技能的中级设计师,本课程都提供了一种逐步掌握三种强大的Adobe软件应用程序的方法。通过关注实用技术和现实世界的项目,你将获得实践经验,并在平面设计原则方面打下坚实的基础。Complete Graphics Design Course for Beginner to Advanced

在本课程中,您将学习:Adobe Photoshop基础知识:浏览Photoshop界面并了解基本工具。图像处理和修饰技术。使用图层、蒙版和混合模式。创造视觉上引人注目的构图和照片合成。设计网页图片、横幅和社交媒体资产。Adobe Illustrator Essentials:了解矢量图形和Illustrator工作空间。创建和编辑形状、路径和版式。掌握精确的插图和标志设计的钢笔工具。利用渐变、图案和效果来增强您的设计。设计标志、图标和矢量插图。adobe Lightroom for Professional Photography:导入、组织和管理照片库。执行无损编辑,实现最佳图像增强。利用Lightroom预设和高级调整工具。修饰肖像和风景,以达到令人惊叹的效果。跨多个平台导出和共享编辑过的照片。在整个课程中,你将在模拟真实世界场景的实际项目中工作,使你能够立即应用你的新知识。此外,您将获得讲师的专家指导和个性化反馈,以确保您的进步并解决您可能遇到的任何问题或挑战。本课程结束时,您将对图形设计原理有一个坚实的理解,并具备使用Adobe Photoshop、Illustrator和Lightroom专业地创建迷人的设计、处理图像和编辑照片所必需的技能。立即注册,开始一段激动人心的旅程,成为一名熟练的平面设计师!借助Adobe功能强大的设计软件,释放您的创造力,让您的想象力栩栩如生。

由Manuel Tudu创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道

adobe photoshop中工具的使用
在adobe illustrator中使用工具
在adobe lightroom中使用工具


Learn Graphice Design With Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Lightroom

What you’ll learn
All essential skills for graphics design
Use of tools in adobe photoshop
Use o tools in adobe illustrator
Use of tools in adobe lightroom

understand english language
basic computer knowledge

Are you passionate about unleashing your creativity and turning your ideas into stunning visual masterpieces? Look no further! This comprehensive Udemy course is designed to equip you with the essential skills and knowledge to excel in graphic design using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Lightroom.Whether you’re a beginner or an intermediate designer looking to enhance your existing skills, this course provides a step-by-step approach to mastering the three powerful Adobe software applications. With a focus on practical techniques and real-world projects, you’ll gain hands-on experience and develop a strong foundation in graphic design principles.In this course, you’ll learn:Adobe Photoshop Fundamentals:Navigating the Photoshop interface and understanding essential tools.Image manipulation and retouching techniques.Working with layers, masks, and blending modes.Creating visually striking compositions and photo composites.Designing web graphics, banners, and social media assets.Adobe Illustrator Essentials:Understanding vector graphics and the Illustrator workspace.Creating and editing shapes, paths, and typography.Mastering the pen tool for precise illustration and logo design.Utilizing gradients, patterns, and effects to enhance your designs.Designing logos, icons, and vector illustrations.Adobe Lightroom for Professional Photography:Importing, organizing, and managing your photo library.Performing non-destructive edits for optimal image enhancement.Utilizing Lightroom presets and advanced adjustment tools.Retouching portraits and landscapes to achieve stunning results.Exporting and sharing your edited photos across multiple platforms.Throughout the course, you’ll work on practical projects that simulate real-world scenarios, allowing you to apply your newfound knowledge immediately. Additionally, you’ll receive expert guidance and personalized feedback from the instructor to ensure your progress and address any questions or challenges you may encounter.By the end of this course, you’ll have a solid understanding of graphic design principles and be equipped with the skills necessary to create captivating designs, manipulate images, and edit photos professionally using Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Lightroom.Enroll now and embark on an exciting journey to become a skilled graphic designer! Unleash your creativity and bring your imagination to life with Adobe’s powerful design software.

Who this course is for
beginner who want to learn graphics deisgn

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