So you want to draw and sculpt beautiful prizmatic aliens and you think this course will help you achieve that?I am sorry to dissapoint you, but this course is not for beautiful prismatic aliens, but arms and hands.Yes, it is a bit sad, but this course will teach you about arm muscles, shapes and all the tips and tricks in drawing and sculpting arms and hands that i have learned trough the years.My name is Niko and i am 3D character artist and a teacher with more than 20 000 students with my video courses, and thousands of subscribers on my two youtube channels. I have over 15 years experiense in the gaming industry, making 3D characters.I have courses that will teach you Zbrush, Blender, human anatomy and 3D character creation. In this course we will start by learning about the base shapes of the arm and hand, and then adding and sculpting muscle groups over the arm bones one by one, creating a whole arm.Following we will do a little fun experiment by making an arm from a chain.Then we will do the first exercise by making an arm based on Bridgeman anatomy. After that we will do realistic arm, arm with planes for better understanding of the main shapes, a huge Hulk arm, so we learn how to make bulky muscles. Then we will make a thin and gentle female arm. We will rest a bit by making a fist and talking about all the things you should be careful when making it. We will then make a folded arm with two positions of the palm.At the end we will go over all we have talked in the whole exercise course and make another arm. As a bonus we will go trough what connects the arm and the body.This course is made for everyone who want to bump up their sculpting or dwaring arm and hand skills. It can be followed with pen and paper, in Blender, Photoshop, Zbrush or any drawing or sculpting program of your choice. I personally used Blender for making this course since it is absolutely free and amazing progam :).Lets dive in to the world of arms and have fun with those exercises!

在这门课程中,我们将从学习手臂和手部的基本形状开始,然后逐个在手臂骨骼上添加和雕塑肌肉群,创建一个完整的手臂。接下来,我们将通过制作一个链条手臂来进行一项有趣的实验。然后,我们将进行第一个练习,根据布里奇曼解剖学制作一个手臂。之后,我们将制作逼真的手臂、带有主要形状的平面手臂、巨大的绿巨人手臂,以便学习如何制作肌肉。接着,我们将制作纤细柔和的女性手臂。我们将通过制作握拳动作并讨论在制作时应该注意的所有事项来稍作休息。然后,我们将制作一个手臂,手掌有两个不同姿势的折叠手臂。最后,我们将回顾整个练习课程中讨论的所有内容,并制作另一个手臂。作为奖励,我们将讨论连接手臂和身体的部分。这门课程适合所有希望提升雕塑或绘制手臂和手部技能的人。可以使用纸和笔、Blender、Photoshop、Zbrush或您选择的任何绘图或雕塑程序跟随。我个人在制作这门课程时使用了Blender,因为它是绝对免费且令人惊叹的程序 : ) 让我们深入探讨手臂的世界,并享受这些练习吧!

MP4 | 视频:h264,1920×1080 | 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)| 大小:7.3 GB | 课程时长:7小时46分钟 含课程文件




Section 1: Course

Lecture 1 Introduction

Lecture 2 Talking about the shapes and main muscles of the arm

Lecture 3 Adding muscles to arm bones part 1

Lecture 4 Adding muscles to arm bones part 2

Lecture 5 Adding hand shapes and finishng the arm on bones

Lecture 6 Making arm and hand from chain

Lecture 7 Making a Bridgeman arm pt1

Lecture 8 Making a Bridgeman arm pt2

Lecture 9 Wrist rotation and starting a realistic arm

Lecture 10 Finishing the realistic arm

Lecture 11 Making the planes of the arm

Lecture 12 Making a Hulk arm

Lecture 13 Making a female arm

Lecture 14 Making a fist

Lecture 15 Making bend arm

Lecture 16 Bend arm with palm up

Lecture 17 Making a final arm and what we have learned

Lecture 18 Attachment of the arm to the body

Lecture 19 Goodbye

All who want to learn anatomy and specific shapes of the human arm

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