在此过程中,我们构建了Java Web应用程序,集成了ChatGPT、Slack和吉拉,并提升了项目管理运营,在这门课中,我们将学习ChatGPT & nbsp深入地。本课程的优势:大量的源代码示例:即使是本课程的第一版,也已经包含了大约1000个可以用作示例的文件。这只是我们和学生一起开发的一个项目。不谈论我在幻灯片上分享的例子,或者在无代码开发期间。本课程非常注重实践和业务用例。而且新的例子会定期添加到课程中,因为我会用新的用例更新这门课程,在OpenAI ChatGPT模型的新版本发布后会有新的更新。有用物质的浓缩:开门见山——没有水。在本课程中,你不会发现10个小时的课程教你如何在聊天GPT网络应用程序中输入文本。我们会学到很多东西,最重要的是,我们会学到很多不同的东西。在这方面有丰富的经验:自从GPT API被公开后,我的公司是市场上第一批开始向客户咨询ChatGPT的公司之一。问与答。课程期间的支持和密切合作:在一天结束时,你不仅仅得到了视频课程,你还得到了我的支持。我们密切合作,你可以就视频中讨论的话题、源代码审查和其他事情提出你的问题。不管你有什么问题,我都会帮你的。专业学习方法:我是来自全球200多个国家的900名学生的导师。我做过很长一段时间的线下家教,后来创办了Learn IT在线大学。我在交流和教授学生方面有丰富的经验:线下和线上。我可以很容易地找到正确的方法来解释事情,并使复杂的事情更容易理解。无戏剧退款保证:-在情况下,你不喜欢课程,无论出于什么原因,你应该解释我什么。您可以在注册后的30天内轻松获得退款。我向你保证。所以,对你来说一点风险都没有。万一你不喜欢这门课,你可以随时退出。课程目标受众:本课程是为每一个想学习ChatGPT的人设计的。我可以说这是目前网上最详细和最完整的ChatGPT课程,课程的很大一部分将致力于学习OpenAI API。ChatGPT for Developers: Create AI Apps – Complete Guide


由Andrii Piatakha创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:19节课(6小时25分钟)|大小:2.52 GB

通过Java Spring Boot网络应用程序整合ChatGPT、Slack和吉拉
通过Spring Boot,ChatGPT,吉拉,Slack为项目管理运营自动化创建Web应用程序

对于课程的编程部分和Web应用程序开发,我使用Spring Boot和Java语言。你可以使用你自己的技术栈来创建web应用,但是对Java的理解会帮助你理解我想要教授的关键概念

During the course we build Java Web Application that integrates ChatGPT, Slack, Jira and boosts project management ops

What you’ll learn
Best Practices of using ChatGPT
Slack Messanger API
Jira Software Cloud API
ChatGPT, Slack, Jira Integration via Java Spring Boot Web App
Create Web App via Spring Boot, ChatGPT, Jira, Slack for Project Management Operations Automation

For programming part of the course and for Web App development I use Spring Boot and Java language. You can create web app using your own tech stack, but understanding of Java will help you to understand the key concepts I want to teach

In this course, we are going to Learn ChatGPT in Depth.Advantages of this course:Huge amount of source code examples: Even the first edition of this course already contains around 1000 files that can be used as examples. And this is just for one project that we develop with students. Not talking about examples that I share on the slides, or during the no-code development. This course is extremely oriented on practice and business use cases. And new examples are added to the course on a regular basis, because I update this course with new use cases, with new updates after new releases of OpenAI ChatGPT model.Concentration of useful materials: Cut to the chase – No water. In this course you will not find 10 hours of lessons teaching you how to enter text in the chat GPT web application. We are going to learn a lot of things, and what is the most important, we are going to learn a lot of different things.Vast experience in the subject: my company was one of the first on the market that started consulting clients about ChatGPT since GPT API was publicly exposed.Q&A Support andClose collaboration during the course: at the end of the day, you don’t just get the video lessons, you also get support from me. We work in close collaboration, you ask your questions about topics discussed in the video, source code reviewed and other things. No matter what questions you have, I’m here to help.Professional learning approach: I’m tutor with 900 students from more than 200 countries around the world. I was an offline tutor for a long time, and then I founded Learn IT Online University. I have big experience in the communication and teachnig student both: offline and online. And I can easily find the right approach to explain things, and make complex things easier to understand.No drama money back guarantee: – in case you didn’t like the course, for any reasons, you should explain me nothing. You can easily get your money back within the 30 days after registration. I promise you. So, there is no risk at all for you. In case you don’t like the course, you can quit anytime you want.Target Audience of the Course:This course is designed for everyone who wants to learn ChatGPT. I can say that this is the most detailed and the most complete ChatGPT course available online based on todaySignificant part of the course will be dedicated to learning of the OpenAI API. And during the course we are going to create our own web application, and develop chat bot – that’s why this course will be interesting for developersBut even despite the fact that I have lessons with coding examples, I still believe that this course will be interesting for Product Managers, Product Owners, and Project Managers. I know this because very often I receive requests from Product Managers asking me about capabilities of ChatGPT, business use cases, technical limitations, and similar questions. This course will help you to get deep understanding of how ChatGPT works under the hood, what its weak and strong sides are that you can take advantage of.

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