在本课程中,我们将使用Houdini、Nuke和Redshift从头到尾创建整个VFX镜头!Magical Energy Beam – Houdini & Nuke VFX Course

课程时长:5小时13分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件


我们将在 Houdini 中开始,使用几何体作为基础创建云,然后我们将使用 Volume VOP 来消除密度、扭曲和变形我们的体积以对云进行动画处理。











作为奖励,我还介绍了 Houdini 和 Substance Painter 中地形的创建。

渲染 – 红移


我们将为所有内容创建单独的灯光设置,设置所有材质渲染通道,并使用 Redshift 渲染所有内容。


nuke 中,我们将带来所有渲染并开始将所有内容放在一起。

我们将分离每一层的 AOV,以便我们可以完全控制最终输出。

我们将涵盖各种主题,例如使用表达式来自动化动画、创建 3D 元素并将其添加到我们的镜头中,以及一系列可在任何项目中使用的一般提示和技巧。

Welcome to a new Houdini Course: Magical Energy Beam VFX, Volumes, Particles, Energy, Magic

In this course we are going to create this entire VFX shot from start to finish with Houdini, Nuke & Redshift!

Volumetric Clouds

We’re going to start in Houdini by creating the clouds using geometry as a base, and then we will use Volume VOPs to remove density, twist and deform our volumes to animate the clouds.

Particle Shockwave

For the shockwave effect we’re going to create a pyro simulation and use the velocity to drive our particles.

For the particles, we’re going to look into different ways to modify the velocity advection to create a more unique and magical look.

I’m also going to show you some quick and easy ways to create more interesting colors with a lot of detail.

Volumetric Fog

For the fog we’re going to create custom noise patterns that we can layer together to get a more realistic result.

Here we’ll also go over the best way to optimize our render by splitting the fog into separate parts.

Beam FX

Finally we will create the energy beam with some simple volume manipulation.

Terrain Creation

As a bonus I also cover the creation of the terrain inside Houdini and Substance Painter.

Rendering – Redshift

In the rendering section we will separate all of our components in separate layers.

We’re going to create individual light setups for everything, set-up all the materials render passes, and render everything using Redshift.


In nuke we will bring all of our renders and start putting everything together.

We will separate the AOVs for each layer so we can have complete control over the final output.

We’re going to cover various topics such as using expressions to automate animations, creating and adding 3d elements to our shot, and a bunch of general tips and tricks you can use in any project.


You will have all the geometry, assets & textures required included with the downloads.

The download archive also include the completed Houdini project file (ver. 19.5) and Nuke project file (ver. 13.2v4) – Please note that the Nuke project file is with the Indie version

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