


在渲染技术方面,课程将介绍如何使用 Megascans 纹理构建布料材质来简化渲染阶段,并为粒子层设置一个简单的着色器,专注于高效且有效的渲染策略。

最后,在 Nuke 合成部分,学员将学习如何将所有元素合并为一个统一的组合。他们将探索一种灵活的方法,将徽标集成到布料上,使其与动画对齐,并利用 UV 坐标将徽标映射到布料上,并利用正常的 AOV 重新照亮几何体。此外,学员还将学习在 Nuke 中为粒子添加鲜艳的颜色,利用自定义渐变以获得最大的适应性。


课程时长:2小时47分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件

00 预告片
01 概述
02 地理和牛皮纸设置
03 碰撞设置
04 生长设置
05 生长年龄和噪声
06 生长完成
07 删除约束
08 清理几何
09 第二次模拟
10 混合模拟
11 粒子设置
12 插值源
13 烟雾模拟
14 粒子平流
15 附加粒子
16 渲染布料
17 渲染粒子
18 标志和布料
19 合成粒子

Welcome to a new Houdini tutorial, Burning Cloth Tear

Vellum & Attribute Growth

We will start this course by creating a simple cloth setup using Vellum.
We will create and animate the collider geometry to drive the main deformations of our cloth.

Using a custom growth solver we will be able to manually delete constraints from the vellum object, causing the cloth to tear.
To have more flexibility, we will create a separate vellum simulation with wind and noise, which we will combine with our main tearing simulation. So we will be essentially layering two separate vellum simulations on top of each other.


After we cleanup the geometry, we move on to particles.
We will base our particle emission source on the cloth that we created.
Here we will talk about how to manually interpolate our particle source to create a smooth result without stepping issues.
We will create a smoke simulation first, and then advect our particles using the velocity field, and we will create 2 different layers of particles.


In the rendering section, everything will be fairly simple and straight forward. We will create a cloth material using megascans texture, and set up a simple shader for our particle layers.

Nuke / Compositing

Inside Nuke we bring everything together. In this section I will show you a very flexible way to add a logo to our cloth, that follows the animation.
We will map the logo using the UV coordinates from our cloth, and also show you how to use the normals AOV in order to re-light our geometry.
We are going to color the particles directly inside of Nuke, using our own custom gradient, to ensure maximum flexiblity.

So I hope you will enjoy this course and let’s get started!


Everything needed to complete this course is included in the downloads (except a couple of megascans textures).

The downloads also includes the completed project file (ver 19.0.657)

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3、分卷压缩包资源 需全部下载后解压第一个压缩包即可,下载过程不要强制中断 建议用winrar解压或360解压缩软件解压!