人工智能,ChatGPT,OpenAI,Google Bard,提示工程,生成人工智能,生产力和商业,100多个提示,你是一个正在努力提高网上销售并在竞争中保持领先的企业家或企业主吗?你是否厌倦了花费无数时间创建产品描述、销售文案、社交媒体内容和客户支持任务?你对革命性解决方案的探索到此结束。我们自豪地提出”掌握ChatGPT/ Bard为企业家& amp这是一个电子学习项目,由英国顶级企业家之一马丁·华纳精心策划。这一全面的课程旨在让您具备驾驭人工智能技术所需的所有敏锐度,简化您的在线销售操作,并推动您的业务实现前所未有的增长。这一独特的计划为您提供了无与伦比的机会,直接向领先的企业家学习。马丁·华纳因创造了12种顶级产品和120多项专利而闻名,他一直是30多万名崭露头角的企业家的指路明灯。科技企业家周的创始人和主持人(以前被称为伦敦首屈一指的技术投资会议),马丁的洞察力已经通过与理查德布兰森爵士,彼得古伯,史蒂夫沃兹尼亚克,吉米·多纳尔·威尔士,卡莉菲奥莉娜等全球偶像的丰富交谈得到磨练。凭借互联网上最独特的产品之一,在竞争激烈的商业环境中脱颖而出。这不仅仅是另一门通用的人工智能课程——它是专门为雄心勃勃的企业家和寻求超越平凡、开创非凡的企业量身定制的。这门课程不仅仅是掌握技术;这是关于揭示企业家精神的炼金术。人工智能,揭示秘密,可以弹射你的业务到令人难以置信的高度。凭借从一生的创新之旅中获得的见解,构建领先的产品,并创造了120多项专利,马丁揭开了企业家精神背后的秘密,并用人工智能的力量推动它。你将具备在人工智能领域导航所需的知识,使你能够为你的业务开启新的增长途径。但不止于此。Martin分享了无价的秘密——多年成功和学习的产物——让你超越竞争对手,重新定义市场规则。Mastering ChatGPT/ Bard for Entrepreneurs & Businesses

本课程的“主培训”方面将指导您将人工智能无缝集成到您的业务框架中。该课程的精髓在于理论和实践的完美结合,确保你不仅学习,而且有效地实施教学。您将能够熟练地处理ChatGPT和Bard,运用这些强大的工具来自动化任务,提高客户参与度,并最终大幅提升您的销售额。以下是您将在“掌握ChatGPT & ampBard”电子学习课程:关于ChatGPT和Bard技术的工作原理的深入培训,逐步指导,丰富了实践示例和案例研究实际任务100+启动您的人工智能杂志的现成提示列表专家见解和在销售和营销中利用人工智能的最佳实践全面了解创建引人注目的内容、自动化客户支持任务以及利用人工智能见解进行成功衡量在本课程结束时,您将能够:使用ChatGPT和Bard在线销售您的产品和服务。制作引人注目的产品描述和销售文案。精心制作社交媒体内容和广告,以产生销售线索和销售。使用ChatGPT增强客户支持。用ChatGPT和Bard衡量成功和持续改进。在你的在线销售策略中实施人工智能。用ChatGPT和Bard适应市场变化和趋势。利用ChatGPT/Bard洞察改进未来的活动。无论你是一个小企业主,创业企业家,或经验丰富的专业人士,希望提高你的网上销售工作。企业”是最适合你的课程。加入“企业家掌握ChatGPT/Bard & amp;今天的商业课程——它不仅仅是一门课程,它是通向无限商机和快速发展的大门。不要只停留在游戏中,要改变它。你掌握人工智能和重新定义成功的创业之旅从这里开始。立即注册!

由Entrepreneur Seminar创建
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道
类型:电子教学|语言:英语|时长:34节课(2小时5分钟)|大小:1.04 GB




AI, ChatGPT, OpenAI, Google Bard, Prompt Engineering, Generative AI, Productivity & Business, 100+ Prompts

What you’ll learn
Sell more products and services online with ChatGPT and Bard.
Create product descriptions and sales copy that convert.
Craft social media content and advertisements that generate leads and sales.
Enhance customer support with Artificial Intelligence
Measure success and improve your results with ChatGPT and Bard.
Implement AI in your online sales strategy.
Adapt to market changes and trends with ChatGPT and Bard.
Leverage ChatGPT/Bard insights to improve future campaigns.

The only requirement for this course is that you have a basic understanding of how to use a computer. No prior experience with AI is necessary.

Are you an entrepreneur or business owner struggling to enhance your online sales efforts and stay ahead of the competition? Are you tired of spending countless hours creating product descriptions, sales copy, social media content, and customer support tasks?Your quest for a revolutionary solution ends here. We proudly present “Mastering ChatGPT/ Bard for Entrepreneurs & Businesses,” an e-learning program meticulously curated by none other than Martin Warner, one of Britain’s top entrepreneurs. This comprehensive course is set to empower you with all the acumen required to harness AI technology, streamline your online sales operations, and propel your business towards unprecedented growth.This uniquely crafted program offers you the unparalleled opportunity to learn directly from a leading entrepreneur. Martin Warner, renowned for creating a dozen top-tier products and generating over 120 patents, has been the guiding light for more than 300,000 budding entrepreneurs. The Founder and Host of Tech Entrepreneurs Week (formerly known as London’s premier technology & investment conference), Martin’s insights have been honed through rich conversations with global icons like Sir Richard Branson, Peter Guber, Steve Wozniak, Jimmy Wales, Carly Fiorina, and many more.Set yourself apart in the competitive business landscape with one of the most exclusive offerings on the internet. This isn’t just another generic AI course – it’s tailored specifically for ambitious entrepreneurs and businesses seeking to rise above the ordinary and pioneer the extraordinary.This course isn’t just about mastering technology; it’s about uncovering the alchemy of entrepreneurship & AI, unfolding secrets that can catapult your business to incredible heights. With insights gained from a lifelong journey of innovation, building leading products, and creating over 120 patents, Martin unravels the secrets behind entrepreneurship and fuels it with AI’s power.You will be equipped with the knowledge required to navigate the realm of AI, empowering you to unlock new growth avenues for your business. But it doesn’t stop there. Martin shares invaluable secrets – the product of years of success and learning – that enable you to surpass your competition and redefine the market rules.The ‘master training’ aspect of this course will guide you in seamlessly integrating AI into your business framework. The course’s essence lies in the perfect blend of theory and practice, ensuring you don’t just learn but also effectively implement the teachings. You’ll be skilled at handling ChatGPT and Bard, wielding these powerful tools to automate tasks, enhance customer engagement, and, ultimately, skyrocket your sales.Here’s what you’ll get in the “Mastering ChatGPT & Bard” e-learning course:In-depth training on the workings of ChatGPT and Bard technologyStep-by-step guidance, enriched with practical examples and case studiesHands-on assignments100+ ready-to-use list of prompts to kickstart your AI journeyExpert insights and best practices for leveraging AI in sales and marketingA comprehensive understanding of creating compelling content, automating customer support tasks, and utilizing AI insights for success measurementBy the end of this course, you will be able to:Use ChatGPT and Bard to sell your products and services online.Create compelling product descriptions and sales copy.Craft social media content and advertisements that generate leads and sales.Enhance customer support with ChatGPT.Measure success and continuous improvement with ChatGPT and Bard.Implement AI in your online sales strategy.Adapt to market changes and trends with ChatGPT and Bard.Leverage ChatGPT/Bard insights to improve future campaigns.Whether you’re a small business owner, a startup entrepreneur, or a seasoned professional looking to enhance your online sales efforts, “Mastering ChatGPT/ Bard for Entrepreneurs & Businesses” is the perfect course for you.Join the “Mastering ChatGPT/ Bard for Entrepreneurs & Businesses” course today – it’s more than a course, it’s the gateway to endless business opportunities and rapid growth. Don’t just stay in the game, change it. Your entrepreneurial journey towards mastering AI and redefining success begins here. Enrol now!

Who this course is for
This course is designed for entrepreneurs and business owners of all levels of experience who want to learn how to use AI to sell their products and services online. Whether you are just starting out or you have been in business for years, you will learn valuable skills that can help you grow your business. This course is perfect for
Entrepreneurs who want to learn how to use AI to automate tasks, generate content, and personalize their marketing efforts.
Anyone who wants to learn how to use AI to sell their products and services online.

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