掌握Godot 4引擎,构建引人入胜的2D游戏,开启您的游戏开发之旅!欢迎来到“Jumpstart to 2D Game Development: Godot 4 for Beginners”——这是一门沉浸式视频课程,旨在为有抱负的游戏开发人员提供使用强大的 Godot 4 游戏引擎创建引人入胜的 2D 游戏所需的技能和知识。在这个综合课程中,您您将通过各种游戏项目踏上激动人心的旅程,每个项目都经过精心设计,以增强您对基本游戏开发概念和技术的理解。无论您是完全的初学者还是具有一定的编程知识,本课程都是为您的游戏开发愿望量身定制的。

在整个课程中,您将:- 创建一个Flappy Bird克隆,您将在其中学习场景创建、输入处理、碰撞检测,以及为增强视觉效果而实施的视差滚动。- 复制 Angry Birds令人上瘾的机制,开发具有抛射运动的基于物理的游戏玩法,并掌握具有可破坏环境的关卡设计。- 通过创建迷人的记忆游戏,潜入 UI 驱动的游戏开发世界。您将获得构建直观且视觉上吸引人的用户界面的经验。- 通过 CJ Elephant Antics 项目重现 80 年代平台游戏的魅力。掌握关卡设计、角色动画和控制,以创建充满各种障碍的具有挑战性的关卡。您还将学习使用 GoDot 的内置状态机来创建和结束关卡老板!- 通过受推箱子启发的项目探索益智游戏领域。从文件中动态加载关卡,了解解谜机制,并应用设计模式来创建优雅而强大的解决方案。- 构建惊险刺激的太空射击游戏,参与星际冒险。设计和实施敌人AI,跟踪动态敌人波的路径,集成加电系统,并通过粒子效果和其他增强功能增强视觉效果。 – 在身临其境的游戏中体验人工制品收集和逃脱的快感。利用Godot 4 的 2D 导航 AI 对警卫行为进行编程,规划战略逃生,并创造充满紧张感的游戏时刻。在整个课程中,您将利用Godot 4直观的可视化脚本系统的强大功能。深入了解基本的编程概念,让您的技能更上一层楼并释放 Godot 4的全部潜力。

在本课程结束时,您将构建多样化的 2D 游戏项目组合,展示您使用Godot 4 的能力以及您创造迷人游戏体验的能力。立即注册,让我们踏上与Godot 4 一起进入2D游戏开发世界的激动人心的旅程!

创建者 Richard Allbert
MP4 | 视频:h264、1280×720 | 云桥网络 平台huo取课程
类型:在线学习 | 语言:英语 | 持续时间:237 个讲座(24 小时 26 分钟)| 大小:9.5 GB 含课程文件

Master Godot 4:在强大的 Godot 4 游戏引擎中学习场景创建、输入处理、碰撞检测等。
创造多样化的游戏:开发 Flappy Bird、Angry Birds、记忆游戏、平台游戏、拼图、太空射击游戏和迷宫逃生游戏。
获得游戏开发技能:获得关卡设计、动画、敌人 AI、道具、UI 设计,并应用单例和事件总线等设计模式。
探索机制和模式:了解视差滚动、基于物理的游戏玩法、寻路 AI、状态机和动态关卡加载。

具有足够规格的计算机:需要能够使用 Vulkan 渲染器的计算机才能有效地处理项目 – 该课程包含一个免费视频以进行检查!
本课程假定您事先不了解 Godot 4 引擎,但假定您对编程概念有基本的了解。然而,即使是没有编程经验的人也可以通过利用 Godot 4 提供的可视化脚本系统从课程中受益。

本课程专为对使用Godot 4游戏引擎进行2D游戏开发感兴趣的有抱负的游戏开发人员而设计。
初学者:在游戏开发或编程方面几乎没有或没有经验,但渴望学习 2D 游戏开发的基础知识并开始构建自己的游戏的个人。
爱好者:希望将热情转化为实用技能的游戏爱好者。本课程提供结构化的学习路径,以增强他们的游戏开发能力并创建引人入胜的 2D 游戏。
自学成才的开发人员:已经自行涉足游戏开发或编程并希望加强技能、学习最佳实践并加深对 Godot 4 引擎的理解的个人。

Master the Godot 4 Engine, Build Engaging 2D Games, and Ignite Your Game Development Journey!

What you’ll learn
Master Godot 4: Learn scene creation, input handling, collision detection, and more in the powerful Godot 4 game engine.
Create Diverse Games: Develop Flappy Bird, Angry Birds, memory games, platformers, puzzles, space shooters, and maze escapes.
Acquire Game Dev Skills: Gain level design, animation, enemy AI, power-ups, UI design, and apply design patterns like singletons and event buses.
Explore Mechanics & Patterns: Understand parallax scrolling, physics-based gameplay, pathfinding AI, state machines, and dynamic level loading.

Computer with Adequate Specifications: A computer capable of using the Vulkan renderer is required to work on the projects effectively – the course contains a free video to make a check!
This course assumes no prior knowledge of the Godot 4 engine but does assume a basic understanding of programming concepts. However, even individuals without programming experience can benefit from the course by leveraging the visual scripting system provided by Godot 4.

Welcome to “Jumpstart to 2D Game Development: Godot 4 for Beginners” – an immersive video course designed to empower aspiring game developers with the skills and knowledge needed to create captivating 2D games using the powerful Godot 4 game engine.In this comprehensive course, you’ll embark on a thrilling journey through a variety of game projects, each carefully designed to enhance your understanding of essential game development concepts and techniques. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some programming knowledge, this course is tailored to provide a solid foundation for your game development aspirations.Throughout the course, you will:- Create a Flappy Bird clone, where you’ll learn about scene creation, input handling, collision detection, and the implementation of parallax scrolling for enhanced visuals.- Replicate the addictive mechanics of Angry Birds, developing physics-based gameplay with projectile motion and mastering level design with destructible environments.- Dive into the world of UI-driven game development with the creation of a captivating memory game. You’ll gain experience in building intuitive and visually appealing user interfaces.- Recreate the charm of 80s platformers with the CJ Elephant Antics project. Master level design, character animation, and controls to create challenging levels filled with diverse obstacles. You’ll also learn to use GoDot’s built in State Machine to create and end of level boss!- Explore the realm of puzzle games with a Sokoban-inspired project. Dynamically load levels from files, understand puzzle-solving mechanics, and apply design patterns to create elegant and robust solutions.- Engage in an intergalactic adventure as you construct a thrilling space shooter. Design and implement enemy AI with path following for dynamic enemy waves, integrate power-up systems, and enhance visuals with particle effects and other enhancements.- Experience the thrill of artefact collection and escape in an immersive game. Utilize Godot 4’s 2D navigation AI to program guard behaviour, plan strategic escapes, and create tension-filled gameplay moments.Throughout the course, you’ll harness the power of Godot 4’s intuitive visual scripting system. Gain insights into basic programming concepts, allowing you to take your skills to the next level and unlock the full potential of Godot 4.By the end of this course, you’ll have built a diverse portfolio of 2D game projects, showcasing your abilites with Godot 4 and your ability to create captivating gameplay experiences. Enroll now and let’s embark on this exciting journey into the world of 2D game development with Godot 4!

Who this course is for
This course is designed for aspiring game developers who are interested in 2D game development using the Godot 4 game engine.
Beginners: Individuals with little to no prior experience in game development or programming, who are eager to learn the foundations of 2D game development and start building their own games.
Hobbyists: Game enthusiasts who want to turn their passion into practical skills. This course provides a structured learning path to enhance their game development abilities and create engaging 2D games.
Self-taught Developers: Individuals who have already dabbled in game development or programming on their own and want to strengthen their skills, learn best practices, and deepen their understanding of the Godot 4 engine.

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