学习Rust,同时将ChatGPT发挥到极致,创建一个为您构建和测试代码的自动化GPT,开发一个自动聊天工具。代理不仅编写代码,而且为您测试和重写代码。事实上,你可以要求你的代理做任何事情。通过学习本课程,您不仅将从A-Z开始学习和掌握Rust,还将在如何构建自己的AutoGPT方面拥有丰富的知识。自动转帐的名称,我们一起建设将是自动幸福的。Auto-Gippity将被简单地分配一项任务,它将分解该任务并委托给其他代理来完成。每个代理将负责测试自己的输出。我们的测试将是建立一个代理,它根据给定的模板编写一个web服务器。它会用Rust编写代码。不仅如此,我们还将编写代理,编写Rust代码…生锈了。太棒了。这是一个开发人员的时代。AutoGPTs只会继续变得非常相关和备受追捧,将这些与世界上最受欢迎的编程语言Rust相结合,意味着我们可以构建一个速度惊人、内存安全、现代和健壮的应用程序。现在,在它接管软件工程之前,有一个学习这种奇妙而不寻常的技术的机会之窗。试想,您可以构建一个AutoGPT,比如说,开发全栈SAAS。端到端的网站。有了像GPT-4这样的技术以及更快的技术,这些代理的性能只会继续提高。公司都在寻找可以构建这样的工具和SAAS的开发者& nbsp创业公司有机会成为第一。如果你好奇如何连接新的人工智能& nbsp改变世界的技术然后这个是适合你的课程。Build an AutoGPT Code Writing AI Tool With Rust and GPT-4

你将学习:如何与开放的人工智能合作& nbspAPI和GPT-4 API使用RustHow从头到尾掌握rust,从初级、中级、高级到高级,再到更高级如何构建AI & nbsp函数(从大型语言模型中提取所需响应的特殊函数)如何使用Actix web开发web服务器模板(包括web服务器介绍)如何构建自动化GPT;代理(Auto-Gippity)编写代码,执行和测试代码。如果代码是错误的,它会简单地重新编写并再次测试。我们真的很期待看到您开发的东西,所以请确保您与世界分享您的应用程序。课堂上见!

由Shaun McDonogh创作
MP4 |视频:h264,1280×720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz,2声道

了解如何利用GPT-4 (ChatGPT)使用Rust构建您自己的AutoGPT
在Rust中使用Actix web框架构建您的第一个Web服务器

你必须能够访问OpenAI和GPT-4 API(如何获得访问权限见内部课程)


Learn Rust Whilst Taking ChatGPT to the Extreme In Creating an Automated GPT that Builds and Tests Code for You

What you’ll learn
Master the Rust programming language from zero to hero
Understand how to leverage GPT-4 (ChatGPT) to build your own AutoGPT using Rust
Understand how to build AI functions for structuring exact desired responses from LLMs (large-language-models)
Build your first web server using the Actix Web framework in Rust
Build an AutoGPT that not only writes any code you like, but tests, improves and re-writes where necessary

You must understand basic programming concepts and be able to program in another language
Basic programming concepts will not be covered in this course. You will need to know about for loops, if statements, functions etc
You must have access to OpenAI and the GPT-4 API (see inside course for how to get access)

Develop a an automated ChatGPT agent which not only writes code, but tests and re-write code for you. In fact, you can request your agent to do just about anything.By going through this course, you will not only learn and master Rust from A-Z, but you will also have extensive knowledge in how to build your very own AutoGPT.The name of the AutoGPT we build together will be Auto-Gippity.Auto-Gippity will simply be given a task, which it will break down and delegate to other agents to complete. Each agent will be responsible for testing its own output.Our test piece will be to build an agent that writes a web server given a template. It will write the code in Rust. Not only that, but we will write the agent, that writes Rust code…in Rust. Fantastic. What a time to be a developer.AutoGPTs will only continue to become extremely relevant and highly sought after and combining these with the worlds favourite programming language, Rust, means that we can build an application which is blazingly fast, memory-safe, modern and robust.Right now, there is a window of opportunity to learn this fantastic and uncommon technology before it takes over in software engineering.Just think, you could build an AutoGPT that say, develops full stack SAAS websites end-to-end. With technologies like GPT-4 and soon beyond, such agents will only continue to improve in their performance.Companies are looking for developers who can build such tools and SAAS startups have a window to be first. If you are curious as to how you can connect new AI technologies to change the world then THIS is the course for you.You will learn:How to work with the Open AI API and the GPT-4 API using RustHow to master rust from A to Z, progressing from beginner, to intermediate, to advanced and beyondHow to build AI functions (special functions that extract a desired response from large-language-models)How to develop a web server template (including an introduction to web servers) using Actix WebHow to build an Automated GPT agent (Auto-Gippity) which writes code, that executes and tests code. If the code is wrong, it will simply re-write it and test againWe are truly excited to see what you develop, so make sure you share your application with the world.See you in class!Shaun

Who this course is for
Enthusiastic or intermediate programmers who want to learn Rust
Programmers who want to build their own blazingly fast and memory-safe AutoGPT models
Startups who want to give their developers a blue print to building cutting-edge AI solutions

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