

《虚幻引擎5新手蓝图编码:程序性迷你游戏》将让我们探索如何使用蓝图创建一系列迷你游戏,并将它们编织成统一的游戏体验。我们还将冒险为游戏创建一个用户界面(UI ),允许玩家开始、暂停、退出,并监控他们的输赢状态。Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint Coding for Beginners




持续时间5小时 9分钟 包括项目文件 1280X720 MP4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络机译 云桥网络 平台huo取课程)

完成用于视频游戏编码的虚幻引擎5 (UE5)的介绍
设置游戏的基本用户界面(UI ),包括开始、暂停和退出游戏的按钮

What you’ll learn
• Completing an introduction to Unreal Engine 5 (UE5) for coding for video games
• Developing your understanding of UE5 blueprints and the logic of scripting to create complex game mechanics and interactions
• Creating a puzzle game that involves completing a set of mini-games using blueprints and other UE5 tools
• Setting up a basic User Interface (UI) set up for your game, including buttons for starting, pausing, and quitting the game
• Understanding and handling game-over scenarios, restarting the game, and maintaining a proper hierarchy for a smooth gameplay experience
• Implementing direct inputs to a blueprint and using them to control a non-possessable actor, such as a camera or an interactive object
• Learning methods for organising and manipulating data and variables within your game, including arrays and maps
• Experimenting with mouse events and inputs for enhanced player interaction with the virtual environment
• Modifying and enhancing existing game mechanics, and introducing new ones to add depth and complexity to your game
• Exploring methods for animating objects using vector scripting with blueprints, including controlling position and rotation
• Manipulating text and creating password mechanics for enhanced game system options
• Exploring advanced focus mechanics that enable focus on individual parts using modular pieces to increase your game’s complexity

Coding for video games is an essential skill that complements the artistic abilities of 3D art enthusiasts and hobbyists. Understanding the fundamentals of coding enables you to breathe life into your creations and unlock a new realm of creative possibilities.

Whether you want to develop games or collaborate with game developers, coding allows you to shape the gameplay mechanics, implement stunning visual effects, and craft unique experiences. This is where our newest course comes in!

‘Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint Coding for Beginners: Procedural Minigame’ will see us explore how to use blueprints to create a series of mini-games and weave them into a unified game experience. We will also venture into creating a user interface (UI) for a game, allowing players to start, pause, quit, and monitor their winning or losing status.

Your ‘Unreal Engine 5 Blueprint Coding for Beginners: Procedural Minigame’ journey will start with setting up the game mode and camera and laying the foundation for your project. The environment and its assets are already set up for you, so we can concentrate on creating blueprints. We delve into blueprint frameworks and enabling inputs for seamless player interaction, and then move on to creating inputs for bomb rotation to introduce core movement mechanics.

As we progress, we will navigate through advanced topics such as bomb timer frameworks and implementing timer countdowns, always ensuring a logical sequence and clear explanations to tackle any obstacles.

This course will teach you everything you need to know about bringing your game ideas to life through a fully functional puzzle game in just over 5 hours of 3D game art and coding.

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