Release date:2021

Author:Rodrigo Rivas

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn to master lighting, shadowing, and coloring techniques to bring your illustrations to life

Adding realism to digital painting by combining shape and depth can be a true challenge for an artist. Using different drawing techniques, Peruvian illustrator and concept artist Rodrigo Rivas creates lifelike compositions that are transformed into unique portraits.

In this course, Rodrigo guides you through all the concepts and tools you need to create a realistic digital illustration

. Start by learning about the artistic concepts behind light and shadows and see how to use them to add volume and depth to your compositions. Explore your imagination and turn your ideas into reality.

ideas into reality Get started by getting to know Rodrigo’s professional career, his artistic influences, and the main techniques he uses for digital painting. Then, go through everything you will learn in this course, including an overview of the final project.

In the second unit, discover the basic principles of light, shadow, and color—the key elements of portrait art. Take a tour of Photoshop by exploring its interface and setting up keyboard shortcuts to get the most out of the software.

It’s time to get down to business and start creating your digital portrait. Make a mood board that will serve as a reference for making your first sketches of the face in Photoshop. Then, map the lights and shadows of your image.

Create volume and depth in your portrait by painting shades of gray and then adding color. Rodrigo shares some tricks and tips he uses for choosing a color palette and adding details.

In the last unit, make some final adjustments to highlights and secondary highlights using the Color Dodge technique and start adjusting tonal values. Finally, learn the best way to export your image.

1-Introduction U1L1 Presentacio-n-converted U1L2 Influencias-converted U1L3 -Que- haremos en el curso-converted

2-BasicsOfDigitalPortraiture U2L1 Secretos para un buen retrato U2L2 Valores tonales y colores U2L3 Uso de los pinceles y atajos U2L4 Pintando el bodego-n

3-toPaint! U3L1 El moodboard-converted U3L2 El boceto-converted U3L3 Planteando la luz con grises-converted U3L4 Aplicando el color-converted U3L5 Puliendo la imagen-converted


U2_ADJ_04 Clase Extra_ Puliendo los Grises (Parte 1) U2_ADJ_04 Clase Extra_ Puliendo los Grises (Parte 2) U2_ADJ_05 Clase Extra_ Puliendo el Color U2_ADJ_06 Clase Extra_ Sombras de Oclusión U2_ADJ_03 Clase Extra_ Limpiando el Boceto (Parte 1)

4-FinalAdjustments U4L1 Brillos y color dodge-converted U4L2 Capas de ajuste-converted U4L3 Exportamos la imagen-converted

5-FinalProject U5 Proyecto final-converted

[Domestika] Principles of Digital Paiting for Portraits.7z [Domestika] Principles of Digital Paiting for Portraits_Subtitles.7z

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