Release date:2018

Duration:23 h 10 m

Author:Jeremy Griffith

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

DESCRIPTION In Introduction to VFX for Games in Unreal, senior VFX artist Jeremy Griffith walks through his thought processes and workflows for every stage of VFX creation for games, from sketch to final animation in the Unreal 4 VFX toolset. Jeremy first lays down some fundamentals with a static water spout project, diving into the details of how to think about natural phenomena (like water and mist) and how to tackle VFX animation through a shader-heavy workflow. Then, Jeremy applies these techniques and assets to a non-static water spell project, covering high-level considerations such as animation principles. Along the way, viewers will gain experience with Photoshop, Maya, the Unreal material editor, and Unreal Cascade. By the end of this tutorial, viewers will have a strong grasp on every step involved in VFX animation for games. Most importantly, viewers will be able to approach the craft with a mindset that is sensitive both to the inner workings of natural phenomena and to the power of animation principles.

Table of Contents

00. Preview

01. Introduction

02. Planning Sketch And Discussion Of Physical Forces

03. Modeling the Water Spout

04. Texturing Rushing Shapes

05. Texturing Breaking Shapes

06. Creating The Water Spout Material Part 1

07. Creating The Water Spout Material Part 2

08. Creating The Water Spout Material Part 3

09. Creating The Water Spout Material Part 4

10. Creating The Water Spout Material Part 5

11. Creating The Radial Flow

12. Creating The Splashes Material

13. Creating The Splash Particles

14. Creating The Mist Element Part 1

15. Creating The Mist Element Part 2

16. Water Bomb – Intro

17. Water Bomb – Creating The Material

18. Water Bomb – Effect Beginning

19. Water Bomb – Effect Buildup

20. Water Bomb – Effect Finale

21. Water Bomb – Polish And General Final Touches

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