Release date:2018
Duration:09 h 41 m
Author:Chris Knight
Skill level:Beginner
Exercise files:Yes
Most photographers get comfortable with the lighting setups they use, and tend to shy away from trying new or different ones. Pushing yourself to incorporate new lighting techniques can help to expand your photographic style. You don’t need to buy more lighting equipment to start thinking about how the light is appropriate for what you’re shooting. Learning to see and light a location or scene and bring it to life in your images takes an in-depth understanding of lighting, direction, and creative vision. Join Chris Knight, well-known photographer, instructor, and author, to learn how to create cinematic lighting that allows you to be more innovative for your clients and yourself.
Chris will explain:
How to think like a filmmaker but apply those ideas to a single image
Motivated lighting and how to incorporate the techniques into your creative vision
Framing and layering for your images
How to use direction and guidance to achieve a cinematic look
How to enhance the cinematic lighting you achieved in-camera through post production processesIn this class, Chris takes you through his creative process during two cinematic style shoots at two different locations to share with you his behind-the-scenes thoughts, motivations, and scenarios. Chris also takes you through an in-studio shoot to explain the importance of prop placement, intentional set design, and light. You’ll learn the confidence to develop and incorporate new thought processes and get out of your everyday routines when lighting your subjects.
1 Class Introduction 04:29
2 What is Cinematic Lighting? 06:42
3 Motivated & Practical Lighting 07:41
4 5 Cinematic Lighting Tips 04:53
5 Low-Key & Upstage Lighting 06:26
6 Control Your Fill Lighting 05:18
7 Show Depth In Your Image 13:24
8 Pre-Production for Cinematic Lighting 22:42
9 Grip Tools: Clamps 08:41
10 Grip Tools: Apple Boxes, C-Stands & Grip Heads 10:53
11 Grip Tools: Pins & Portable Gear 04:50
12 Grip Tools: Scrims, Silks, Flags & Tape 13:52
13 Grip Tools: Wind and Haze Machines 04:07
14 Grip Tools: Unusual Tools 04:47
15 Grip Tools: Filters 11:05
16 Grip Tools: Q&A 15:04
17 Theater Shoot: Concept 08:03
18 Theater Shoot: Pre-Production Considerations 08:48
19 Theater Shoot: Lighting Gear 04:27
20 Theater Shoot: Motivated Lighting Considerations 26:47
21 Theater Shoot: Lighting Walkthrough 20:45
22 Theater Shoot: Capturing The 1st Shot 27:37
23 Theater Shoot: Hero Shot 21:47
24 Theater Shoot: Capturing In The Seats 21:48
25 Airstrip Shoot: Concept 05:49
26 Airstrip Shoot: Pre-Production Considerations 19:31
27 The Haircut: Location Specifics and Motivated Lighting 13:17
28 Working With Scrims On Location 06:34
29 The Haircut: Getting the Shot 24:28
30 The Haircut: Shooting Plates 08:21
31 Staggered Planes: Location Specifics and Motivated Lighting 08:10
32 Staggered Planes: Getting The Shot 08:23
33 Capturing Plates With Talent In Background 16:26
34 Airstrip: Environmental Portraits 22:05
35 Airstrip: Location Shooting Q&A 22:05
36 Using Plates to Create a Pano in Lightroom® 16:08
37 Transform Tool 04:50
38 Post-Processing 1st Theater Shot 09:48
39 Retouching Details in Photoshop® 13:09
40 Color Grading in Alien Skin Exposure X3 06:27
41 Post-Processing Theater Hero Shot in Photoshop® 08:11
42 Creating a Spotlight in Photoshop® 05:31
43 Adjusting Color for Cinematic Lighting 12:28
44 Post-Processing: The Haircut 12:08
45 Coloring the Sky and Removing Modern Building 05:10
46 Creating a Pano Using Plates in Photoshop® 17:12
47 Developing Cinematic Portraits in Lightroom® 07:29
48 Retouching Cinematic Portraits in Photoshop® 08:57
49 Color Grading Cinematic Portraits in Alien Skin 13:2001-ClassIntroduction 02-WhatIsCinematicLighting 03-MotivatedAndPracticalLighting 04-5CinematicLightingTips 05-LowKeyAndUpstageLighting 06-ControlYourFillLighting 07-ShowDepthInYourImage 08-PreProductionForCinematicLighting 09-GripToolsClamps 10-GripToolsAppleBoxesCStandsAndGripHeads 11-GripToolsPinsAndPortableGear 12-GripToolsScrimsSilksFlagsAndTape 13-GripToolsWindAndHazeMachines 14-GripToolsUnusualTools 15-GripToolsFilters 16-GripToolsQAndA 17-TheaterShootConcept 18-TheaterShootPreProductionConsiderations 19-TheaterShootLightingGear 20-TheaterShootMotivatedLightingConsiderations 21-TheaterShootLightingWalkthrough 22-TheaterShootCapturingThe1stShot 23-TheaterShootHeroShot 24-TheaterShootCapturingInTheSeats 25-AirstripShootConcept 26-AirstripShootPreProductionConsiderations 27-TheHaircutLocationSpecificsAndMotivatedLighting 28-WorkingWithScrimsOnLocation 29-TheHaircutGettingTheShot 30-TheHaircutShootingPlates 31-StaggeredPlanesLocationSpecificsAndMotivatedLighting 32-StaggeredPlanesGettingTheShot 33-CapturingPlatesWithTalentInBackground 34-AirstripEnvironmentalPortraits 35-AirstripLocationShootingQAndA 36-UsingPlatesToCreateAPanoInLightroom 37-TransformTool 38-PostProcessing1stTheaterShot 39-RetouchingDetailsInPhotoshop 40-ColorGradingInAlienSkinExposureX3 41-PostProcessingTheaterHeroShotInPhotoshop 42-CreatingASpotlightInPhotoshop 43-AdjustingColorForCinematicLighting 44-PostProcessingTheHaircut 45-ColoringTheSkyAndRemovingModernBuilding 46-CreatingAPanoUsingPlatesInPhotoshop 47-DevelopingCinematicPortraitsInLightroom 48-RetouchingCinematicPortraitsInPhotoshop 49-ColorGradingCinematicPortraitsInAlienSkin GripQuickReferenceGuide.pdf.rar
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