Release date:2018

Duration:12 h 04 m

Author:Aaron Limonick

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes

Master traditional illustration and entertainment design in no time. In ‘Sketching Anything,’ Aaron Limonick (Naughty Dog) breaks down his design process in an accessible way for both beginners and pros. You’ll learn to organize reference material, establish a strong sense of art direction, and create detailed production sketches of your very own. Don’t waste time struggling with the basics of drawing and rendering – with these skills, you’ll truly be able to sketch anything.

1. Understanding Sketching

1 Overview 1 Course Overview 2 Lesson Overview

2 Reference 1 Interpreting Reference Material 2 Finding the Good Compositions 3 Pushing Compositions Further

3 Different Sketching Methods 1 Chapter Intro 2 Sketching with Light and Value 3 Loose Detail 4 In Between Detail 5 Tight Detail 6 Hybrid Styles 7 Rhythm

4 Using Shape and Form as a Tool 1 Chapter Intro 2 Shape in Composition 3 Breaking Down Organic Forms 4 Shape and Form in Engineering

Homework Summary of Lesson Principles

2. Natural Enviro

1 Finding Shapes Within Nature 1 Lesson Overview 2 Chapter Intro 3 Simple Shapes

2 Studying Nature’s Primitive 3d Forms 1 Chapter Intro 2 Simple Forms

3 Using Texture as Grouping 1 Chapter Intro 2 Texture Grouping 3 Final Piece

Homework Principles Recap

3. Hard Surface Enviro

1 Perspective and Setup 0 Lesson Overview 1 Chapter Overview 2 Ancient Architecture 3 Off the Grid 4 organic Architecture

2 Indicating Accurate Scale 1 Chapter Overview 2 Ref Scale 3 Visual Track

3 Final Piece 1 Preliminary Sketch 2 Creating the Final Piece 3 Finishing Touches

Homework Principles Recap

4 Designing a Complex Scene

1 Compositional Choices with Thumbnails 1 Lesson Overview 2 Chapter Overview 3 Basic Thumbs 4 Refining Thumb 5 Developing BG 6 Fleshing out the scene

2 Establishing Your Look 1 Chapter Overview 2 Expanding on Specific Elements 3 Building in Details 4 Defining a Major Prop 5 More City Details 6 Adding Main Subject

3 Detail and Scale 1 Chapter Overview 2 FG Details 3 Cleaning Up FG Details 4 BG Details 5 Livable Spaces 6 Cleaning Up

4 The Finish 1 Overview 2 Filling in Shadows 3 More Light and Shadow 4 Adding Elements 5 Establishing Scale 6 Detailing Human Figures 7 Analyzing your Image

Homework Principles Recap


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