Release date:2020

Author:Igor Golyuk

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Welcome to the Digital Landscapes course! My name is Igor Golyuk. I’m a professional 3D artist and I want to share this surprising and really valuable course with you.

Do you want to learn to create impressive digital images for games and films as a professional?

Do you want to go to the next level?

Do you want to create a marvelous portfolio and start you career as a 3D artist?

Using the information from this course, you’ll be able to get unbelievable work opportunities in various industries including cinema, video games, architecture and more.

My course Digital Landscapes will completely explore the topic of creating beautiful and photorealistic worlds in 3ds max and Corona Renderer.

A bit about the benefits of Corona Renderer:

Corona Renderer is a modern highly efficient photorealistic renderer.

Corona Renderer first and foremost is very easy to use. It practically doesn’t need special settings and has powerful functions and produces fantastic, photorealistic results.

Corona Renderer is used by a huge number of professional 3D artists.

Digital Landscapes is a unique course that has fundamental knowledge and my personal practice that I’ve accumulated over the years. It has as useful and necessary information as possible that will help you unlock your potential in computer graphics.

When you finish the course, you’ll have created several beautiful scenes and will already have the base skills to create your own backgrounds and share them with the community or use them in your own projects.

In any case, this will unlock a wonderful capability for you and give you the chance to create a successful career as a 3D artist.

Don’t miss this chance! Enroll today and start creating amazing worlds right now!

Table of Contents

Create amazing photorealistic environments in 3ds max and Corona Renderer from scratch.

Modelling architectural objects

Creation of vegetation and weather effects such as fog and air perspective

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