Release date:2018, September

Duration:23 h 59 m

Author:Mir Imad Ahmed

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

What Will I Learn?

Be able to create ZigZag clone

Be able to create flappy bird clone

Be able to create augmented reality food menu app like KABAQ

Be able to create side scroller ninja game


Be able to write basic code or algorithm

Should know about C# and programming concepts like functions, loops, etc.

Unity 3D and Visual Studio / MonoDevelop


Complete C# Unity 2D & 3D Game Development Masterclass 2018 & Augmented Reality Using Vuforia

Learn how to create video games using Unity, the world-leading free-to-use game development tool. We start super simple so you need no prior experience of Unity or coding! With our online tutorials, you’ll be amazed what you can achieve right from the first moment you start the course.

Benefit from our world-class support from both other students, and the Mir Imad team who are regularly engaged in the forums and Q&A section. Go on to build several games including:

ZigZag Clone: A Top-Down Endless Ball Movement Game with tiles to run the ball on;

Ninja Warrior: A Side Scrolling Platformer game with Unity’s Tilemap tool, Animations, Movement and much more;

Flappy bird Clone: An endless bird flying game similar to flappy bird;

Achievements system: A full fledged achievements system to be used in any game or app;

In Augmented Reality using Vuforia you will learn to build:

AR Concepts: How to display 3d models, 2d animations, videos in augmented reality

Cloud Recognition: How to utilize the cloud recognition to display videos on target images in runtime

AR Menu: An Augmented Reality food menu application like KABAQ;

AR Poems: A simple Augmented Reality Poem application for kids;

Apart from full projects there are concept videos as well, where you will be able to learn about different concepts and components in Unity Engine that can be used in different game development scenarios. You will learn how to use the following:

Creating 2D and 3D animtations

Rigidbody both 2D and 3D

Colliders and their usage

3D path finding of AI

Standard Assets & Assets store

& much more

You will have access to a course forum where you can discuss topics on a course-wide basis, or down to the individual video. Our thriving discussion forum will help you learn and share ideas with other students. Check out our reviews to see how people love this feature.

The course is project-based, so you will not just be learning dry programming concepts, but applying them immediately to real indie games as you go. All the project files will be included, as well as additional references and resources – you’ll never get stuck. There are quality screencasts and more.

For each demo game you build you will follow this process

Be challenged to build the entire game yourself.

Be shown step-by step how to build it.

Be challenged to apply, and re-apply your knowledge regularly.

You will get full lifetime access for a single one-off fee. The creator is qualified and experienced coder and professional game developer, so is able to explain complex concepts clearly, as well as entertain along the way.

You will learn C#, and in turn build a solid foundation for Object Oriented Programming. By the end of the course you’ll be very confident in the basics of coding and game development, and hungry to learn more.

What this course DOESN’T cover…

Whereas this course is already huge, we can’t possibly cover everything in that time. Here are some things we will not be covering…

Performance optimization.

Editor plugins or modifications.

Physics engine modification*

Anyone who wants to learn to create games: Unity is a fantastic platform which enables you to make production-quality games. Furthermore these games can be created for Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and Web from a single source!

If you’re a complete beginner, we’ll teach you all the coding and game design principles you’ll need. If you’re an artist, we’ll teach you to bring your assets to life. If you’re a coder, we’ll teach you game design principles.

Dive in now, you won’t be disappointed!

Who is the target audience?

Competent and confident with using a computer.

Artists who want to learn to bring their assets into games.

Some programming experience helpful, but not required.

Complete beginners who are willing to work hard.

Developers who want to re-skill across to game development.

Who is the target audience?

Beginner C# students interested to learn about game development

Beginner Unity 3D students

Anyone interested in learning how to make augmented reality apps
Table of Contents

Introduction 06:41

Introduction 02:34

Who am I? 00:28

Sneak Peak 03:39

Introduction and setup 29:09

Introducing The Unity Ecosystem 02:36

Supported platforms 01:40

Supported programming languages 00:35

Installing Unity 04:36

Quick tip about reviewing this course 00:25

Unity, Your IDE and Your Files 03:40

Unity 5.X and Unity 2017 02:00

Introducing the Unity Editor 07:10

Monodevelop Vs Visual Studio 03:03

Monodevelop 01:40

Saving And Closing Your Project 01:44

Basic Scripting 16:59

Introduction To Basic Scripting 00:14

How scripts are used 01:30

Debug class explained 04:01

Using Variables 04:35

Responding To Key Presses 03:28

Scope And Context Of Variables 01:20

Use of functions 01:51

Unity basics 49:49

Introduction to unity basics 00:24

Importing image assets 05:55

Importing 3d objects 10:33

Importing audio 02:54

Importing video 03:24

Adding objects to scene 04:08

How to export Asset bundle 04:27

How to download asset bundle from internet 02:07

How to load image from internet 02:27

Video Player Explained 08:13

Play video on canvas 05:17

User Interface 48:59

Introduction To User Interface 00:43

Buttons Explained 05:29

Creating a full Menu and changing scene example 23:01

Creating a progress bar 08:13

Spiral progress ring 06:47

Scroll View 02:23

Grid Layout Group 02:23

Animations 28:54

Introduction to animations 00:36

Animation controller explained 06:57

Creating 2D Animations 07:40

Creating 3D Animations 04:49

Triggering Animations From Script 08:52

Exporting 18:43

Introduction to exporting 00:35

Different exporting options 00:54

Exporting for PC 02:08

Exporting for Android 03:01

Exporting for iOS 03:45

Exporting for Web 08:20

Complex Topics 30:06

Introduction to chapter 00:19

Rigidbody Explained 04:39

Box Collider Explained 03:21

Sphere Collider Explained 02:00

Capsule Collider Explained 02:29

2D Colliders Explained 07:51

Rigidbody 2D Explained 02:05

Rotating Objects with Touch 04:12

Rigidbody Velocity 03:10

Wrap object to screen

Lighting 07:52

Introduction to chapter 00:20

Directional lighting 03:33

Spot Light 02:04

Point and Area Light 01:55

Monetization 33:38

Monetization possibilities 04:30

What is Admob and How it Works 02:00

Creating App and Ad Ids on Admob 04:12

Integrating Admob to Unity 03:22

Admob Banner Ad 04:43

Admob Interstitial Ad 03:30

Admob Rewarded Video 05:01

Unity Ads 06:20

Asset Store 13:19

How Asset Store Works 13:19

Spawning System in Unity 24:17

Introduction 01:46

Code Setup 22:31

Unity Sample Assets 29:16

How to use Unity Sample Assets 29:16

3D Path Finding 30:09

Creating 3D Path Finding System 30:09

Setting keybinds and Controls 01:01:43

Introduction 01:50

Making UI 18:17

The Code 31:38

Saving Settings 09:58

Health bars 01:01:06

Introduction 01:15

UI Setup 18:52

Stats 19:03

Value Text 07:29

Lerp Values 08:58

Changing Colors 05:29

Achievement System 02:49:30

Introduction 02:52

Scene Setup Part 1 26:31

Scene Setup Part 2 15:41

Creating an achievement 17:52

Achievment categories 22:41

Earning Achievement 24:48

Unlock and Save an achievment 24:02

Dependencies 12:28

Fading in and out 11:24

Demonstration 11:11

ZigZag Clone 03:34:51

Introduction 02:00

Player Movement 15:08

Path Generation 23:30

Making it Random 18:49

Recycle Tiles 23:21

Spawn items 34:52

Score Management 12:59

UI Setup 48:12

Monetizing our game 36:00

Creating an audio player in unity 48:24

Full Project 48:24

Creating an video player in unity 40:36

Full Project 40:36

Making grid layout resize with screen size 06:39

Full Project 06:39

Flappy bird 51:23

Setting up project and assets 05:28

Bird Mechanics 08:48

Importing Fonts 00:41

Score and Game over text 03:23

Repeating background and auto scroll 09:43

Game Manager 05:36

Die on Collision 03:29

Colomns and pooling 14:15

Ninja Side Scroller 04:06:56

Introduction to the game and assets 05:55

Animations and States 10:22

Animation Controller Script 10:15

Ground and character movement 20:47

Run Animation 12:13

Attack animation 15:44

Slide Animation 10:08

Basic Level and Scene Sprites 10:42

Jump Functionality 13:52

Jump Animation 13:27

Creating Platforms 15:46

Camera Follow Script 13:39

Menu Scene 12:02

Adding music to menu scene and adding a mute button 19:45

Game Scene HUD 12:52

Player Health Bar 13:19

Taking damage and dying 12:53

Countdown Timer 12:38

Pickup and Level Passing 10:37

Augmented Reality 51:01

Introduction to Augmented Reality 04:07

Introduction to Vuforia 02:43

Vuforia Developer Portal 04:43

How to make use of Vuforia in Unity 05:31

Creating device database 06:00

Vuforia Cloud Recognition Multiple Targets Video Playback 06:32

Cloud recoginition multiple targets augmentation 12:33

Playing video on the target images 08:52

Making AR Resturant App 42:09

Full Project 42:09

Making AR Video Poem App 38:57

Full Project 38:57

Showing AR content Vuforia 50:07

Setting up project 19:32

Setting up vuforia and database 04:30

Playing video on marker 15:15

Playing 2d animation on marker 04:43

Playing 3d animation on marker 06:07

01. Introduction 01. Introduction 02. Who am I 03. Sneak Peak

02. Introduction and setup 01. Introducing The Unity Ecosystem 02. Supported platforms 03. Supported programming languages 04. Installing Unity 05. Unity, Your IDE and Your Files 06. Unity 5.X and Unity 2017 07. Introducing the Unity Editor 08. Monodevelop Vs Visual Studio 09. Monodevelop 10. Saving And Closing Your Project

03. Basic Scripting 01. Introduction To Basic Scripting 02. How scripts are used 03. Debug class explained 04. Using Variables 05. Responding To Key Presses 06. Scope And Context Of Variables 07. Use of functions

04. Unity basics 01. Introduction to unity basics 02. Importing image assets 03. Importing 3d objects 04. Importing audio 05. Importing video 06. Adding objects to scene 07. How to export Asset bundle 08. How to download asset bundle from internet 09. How to load image from internet 10. Video Player Explained 11. Play video on canvas

05. User Interface 01. Introduction To User Interface 02. Buttons Explained 03. Creating a full Menu and changing scene example 04. Creating a progress bar 05. Spiral progress ring 06. Scroll View 07. Grid Layout Group

06. Animations 01. Introduction to animations 02. Animation controller explained 03. Creating 2D Animations 04. Creating 3D Animations 05. Triggering Animations From Script

07. Exporting 01. Introduction to exporting 02. Different exporting options 03. Exporting for PC 04. Exporting for Android 05. Exporting for iOS 06. Exporting for Web

08. Complex Topics 01. Introduction to chapter 02. Rigidbody Explained 03. Box Collider Explained 04. Sphere Collider Explained 05. Capsule Collider Explained 06. 2D Colliders Explained 07. Rigidbody 2D Explained 08. Rotating Objects with Touch 09. Rigidbody Velocity 10. Wrap object to screen

09. Lighting 01. Introduction to chapter 02. Directional lighting 03. Spot Light 04. Point and Area Light

10. Monetization 01. Monetization possibilities 02. What is Admob and How it Works 03. Creating App and Ad Ids on Admob 04. Integrating Admob to Unity 05. Admob Banner Ad 06. Admob Interstitial Ad 07. Admob Rewarded Video 08. Unity Ads

11. Asset Store 01. How Asset Store Works

12. Spawning System in Unity 01. Introduction 02. Code Setup

13. Unity Sample Assets 01. How to use Unity Sample Assets

14. 3D Path Finding 01. Creating 3D Path Finding System

15. Setting keybinds and Controls 01. Introduction 02. Making UI 03. The Code 04. Saving Settings

16. Health bars 01. Introduction 02. UI Setup 03. Stats 04. Value Text 05. Lerp Values 06. Changing Colors

17. Achievement System 01. Introduction 02. Scene Setup Part 1 03. Scene Setup Part 2 04. Creating an achievement 05. Achievment categories 06. Earning Achievement 07. Unlock and Save an achievment 08. Dependencies 09. Fading in and out 10. Demonstration

18. ZigZag Clone 01. Introduction 02. Player Movement 03. Path Generation 04. Making it Random 05. Recycle Tiles 06. Spawn items 07. Score Management 08. UI Setup 09. Monetizing our game

19. Creating an audio player in unity 01. Full Project

20. Creating an video player in unity 01. Full Project

21. Making grid layout resize with screen size 01. Full Project

22. Flappy bird 01. Setting up project and assets 02. Bird Mechanics 03. Importing Fonts 04. Score and Game over text 05. Repeating background and auto scroll 06. Game Manager 07. Die on Collision 08. Colomns and pooling

23. Ninja Side Scroller 01. Introduction to the game and assets 02. Animations and States 03. Animation Controller Script 04. Ground and character movement 05. Run Animation 06. Attack animation 07. Slide Animation 08. Basic Level and Scene Sprites 09. Jump Functionality 10. Jump Animation 11. Creating Platforms 12. Camera Follow Script 13. Menu Scene 14. Adding music to menu scene and adding a mute button 15. Game Scene HUD 16. Player Health Bar 17. Taking damage and dying 18. Countdown Timer 19. Pickup and Level Passing

24. Augmented Reality 01. Introduction to Augmented Reality 02. Introduction to Vuforia 03. Vuforia Developer Portal 04. How to make use of Vuforia in Unity 05. Creating device database 06. Vuforia Cloud Recognition Multiple Targets Video Playback 07. Cloud recoginition multiple targets augmentation 08. Playing video on the target images

25. Making AR Resturant App 01. Full Project

26. Making AR Video Poem App 01. Full Project

27. Showing AR content Vuforia 01. Full Project 01. Setting up project 02. Setting up vuforia and database 03. Playing video on marker 04. Playing 2d animation on marker 05. Playing 3d animation on marker

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