Introducing ‘Blender 4: The Ultimate Environment Artist’s Guide’ – a monumental 40-hour course that will transport you to the enchanting world of Victorian architecture and design. This immersive journey, guided by experienced CG artist Shaun Keenan, will empower both novice and seasoned artists to craft their own digital masterpieces steeped in the elegance of a bygone era.

Key Highlights of the Course:

  1. Storytelling through 3D Modelling: Dive deep into the art of designing and narrating captivating Victorian scenes, employing intelligent color management and signage to convey rich narratives.
  2. Entirely Blender-Created Scene: From meticulous modeling to intricate shader work, learn to craft stunning environments entirely within  Blender.
  3. Mastering Stylized Victorian Renders: Unlock the secrets to producing striking Victorian-style renders through an expert breakdown of the compositor setup.
  4. Enhancing 3D Scenes with Realistic Window Displays: Discover simple yet effective techniques to elevate your visuals with captivating window displays that add depth and realism.
  5. Progressive Learning Curve: Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned artist, the course offers a well-structured progression from basic modeling to advanced techniques.
  6. Vertex Painting Mastery: Uncover the art of texturing terrain convincingly and artistically using vertex painting, enabling you to create dynamic environments.

Key Features:

  1. Victorian Era Scene Creation: Craft detailed streetscapes and architectural marvels reminiscent of the Victorian era, blending historical accuracy with creative flair.
  2. Extensive Resource Pack: Gain access to a wealth of resources including shaders, geometry nodes, texture maps, and more, providing a comprehensive toolkit for your creations.
  3. Progressive Learning Curve: Seamlessly navigate from basic concepts to advanced techniques, ensuring a thorough understanding of Blender’s capabilities.
  4. Reference Art and Edgewear Techniques: Master the art of referencing and apply realistic textures to your models, guided by comprehensive tutorials on traditional and innovative methods.
  5. Shader, Texture, and Compositing Mastery: Dive deep into the creation and application of shaders and textures, and learn advanced compositing techniques to enhance your renders.
  6. Advanced Camera Techniques and Lighting Mastery: Learn to manipulate Blender’s camera settings and master advanced lighting techniques to add mood and realism to your scenes.

Your Victorian scene will come to life with quaint bookshops, bustling coffeehouses, traditional butcher shops, and more – each meticulously detailed to capture the essence of the era. With authentic textures, mood-setting lighting, and lifelike props, you’ll weave stories that resonate with the soul of Victorian London.

Embark on this extraordinary journey with ‘Blender 4: The Ultimate Environment Artist’s Guide,’ and elevate your portfolio to new heights with stunning Victorian-inspired creations.
《Blender 4: 环境艺术家的终极指南》是一门为期40小时的全面课程,带领学员探索维多利亚时代的建筑与设计。课程由经验丰富的CG艺术家肖恩·基南指导,适合初学者与资深艺术家,旨在培养学员在Blender中创作精美数字作品的能力。课程内容包括3D建模的叙事艺术、完整的Blender场景制作、维多利亚风格渲染技巧、真实的橱窗展示设计以及逐步学习的结构,帮助学员从基础概念逐步掌握高级技巧。同时,学员将学习到丰富的资源工具包、参考艺术与边缘磨损技术、着色器及纹理应用技巧以及高级摄像机与照明技术,最终创造出生动的维多利亚时代场景,提升个人作品集。Blender终极环境艺术家指南视频教程

课程时长:40小时10分钟 1920X1080 mp4 语言:英语+中英文字幕(云桥网络 机译)含课程文件

欢迎大家参加3D Tudou推出的环境艺术家指南课程。本课程旨在帮助初学者和经验丰富的艺术家创建维多利亚时代的完整城镇环境,包括咖啡馆、香水店、传统肉铺和书店等。课程将教授如何收集和利用参考资料,建模技巧以及如何使用材质和渲染技术,使场景生动真实。通过40小时的内容,您将掌握3D建模的艺术,提升您的创作能力,助力您在行业中脱颖而出。现在是实现梦想的时刻,祝大家建模愉快。

00:09 本课程是由3D Tudou精心设计的,旨在帮助初学者和经验丰富的艺术家创造一个维多利亚时代的城镇环境。通过这个课程,您将掌握3D建模的艺术,提升您的创作能力。
02:19 该课程深入探讨3D建模技术,帮助学生从基础到专业水平掌握环境建模。重点在于创造维多利亚时代的丰富细节,让学生能够打造独特的视觉效果并提升创作能力。


1. **选择合适的软件**:
– 学习常用的3D建模软件,如 Blender、Maya、3ds Max 或 ZBrush。Blender 是免费的,且有丰富的学习资源。

2. **基础教程**:
– 从基础开始,找一些入门教程视频或课程。YouTube 有很多免费的资源,像是 Blender Guru 的教程非常受欢迎。

3. **理解建模基本概念**:
– 学习多边形建模、曲面建模和雕刻技巧。熟悉各种工具和操作,比如挤压、切割、合并等。

4. **多练习**:
– 进行小项目练习,如简单的物体(如杯子、椅子等)。逐步增加难度,挑战更复杂的模型。

5. **参考资料**:
– 收集参考图片,了解你想要建模的对象的结构和细节,可以提高模型的真实性。

6. **加入社群**:
– 加入 3D 建模社区,如 Blender Artists 或 ArtStation,与其他艺术家交流,获取反馈。

7. **参与项目**:
– 考虑参与开源项目或加入团队,实际应用你所学的知识。

8. **不断学习**:
– 3D 建模是一个不断发展的领域,保持学习新技术和工具,参加在线课程或工作坊。


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