Release date:2018, October

Duration:04 h 37 m

Author: Lucas Ridley

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

In this final section of the “Maya for Beginner” series we will cover how to create interesting animated dynamic effects through simulations. You can start with this section if you like but I highly recommend taking one of the other sections first as this is a more advanced topic for a true beginner and I would recommend the order: modeling, texturing, rigging, animation, and then this course.

We will cover:

Bullet Physics for Rigid Body Simulations

Shattering Objects for Simulating

nHair Rope Dynamics

nCloth Dynamics

MASH Dynamics (Maya’s motion graphics tools)

Bifrost Dynamics (Liquid and Smoke)

This section will give you a very broad introduction to what’s possible in Maya for simulating different types of effects.

There are several mini-lessons throughout the course but we will be mainly focusing on creating a large animated scene that I will provide the character animation for and it will be up to you to create all the dynamic effects in the shot.

Table of Contents

Course Introduction 2:05

Scene Scale 7:52

Mash Brick Wall 8:37

Bullet Simulation Intro 7:21

Bullet Shatter 10:21

Alembic Cache 8:57

Particle Ground Shatter 12:53

Ground Bullet Sim 20:05

Fix Sim 3:37

Fireflies Dynamics 16:24

Fireflies Dynamics Animated 20:32

nHair Rope 13:11

nCloth Banner 14:41

nCloth Vest 24:09

Bifrost Liquid 10:49

Bifrost Emitter 6:45

Bifrost Smoke 01 23:13

Bifrost Smoke 02 6:37

MASH Grass 17:53

Texturing 26:48

Render Setup 01 8:05

Render Setup 02 6:02

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