Release date:2018

Duration:01 h 55 m

Author:Team Augmeticc

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

*NEW* Added Much Awaited Challenges and Solutions that will help students build upon their skills that may help them find employment in roles with titles such as Unity Gameplay Programmer, Unity Artist, 3D Artist, 3D Generalist, Level Designer, and Environmental Artist — Extended Content

Making AAA quality visuals is not as hard as you think. you don’t need to be great at 3D math, programming or art.

It all starts with knowing the basics of the game engine you are using. In Unity to make games look high quality, it is necessary to understand how it’s subsystems like Lighting work.

In this course, we will cover Unity’s entire Lighting Pipeline that will help you create more cinematic and immersive games. This course doesn’t require you to have any programming or 3D art experience. All you need to know is the basics of the Unity editor.

We will kick start by covering the basics of lighting, with a complete dark church scene and as we move further we will add the different type of lights to our scene and continue to learn more advanced lighting concepts such as

ADVANCED LIGHT PROPERTIES like cookies, halos, culling, light flares.

SHADOWS – cover advanced shadow settings such as shadow cascades, shadow distance and much more.


GLOBAL ILLUMINATION AND LIGHT MAPPING – will discuss the concept, cover both baked and real-time GI.


REFLECTIONS by understanding reflection probes


And much more!

This Unity course also includes various challenges (New Content Added Weekly!)

We will be using a beautiful church scene and as we move through the course you are expected to follow along with us so that you will get a practical knowledge of the Unity’s lighting setup. we encourage and expect you to practice all the techniques side by side as we move on. Remember to get good at something it is important to practice it, and If you feel stuck feel free to re-watch the videos or ask a question in the forum section. Our team will try it’s best to answer all your questions.

This course is perfect for developers working on games that require deep knowledge about Unity’s Lighting System. Anyone using the Unity engine will benefit since we comprehensively cover how to correctly use many of its more advanced lighting sub-systems.

This course is designed in a short, concise and direct manner. So that you can gain most out of this course without wasting much of your time.

Table of Contents

Lighting In Unity | Course Trailer 0:58

Course Teaser 1:23

Getting Started 8:24

Types of Lights 12:26 (file missing)

Basic Settings 5:20 (file missing)

Additional Settings 8:42 (file missing)

Shadow Basics 5:59 (file missing)

Quality Settings for Shadows 6:44

Global Illumination Basics 4:28

Lighting Window 11:30

Baking Lights 6:12

Reflections In Unity | Understanding Reflection Probes 12:33

Adding Reflection Probes to the church scene 4:59

Emmisive Materials 7:03

Light Probes 12:02

Challenge 1| Creating and configuring Skybox 0:58

Solution 1 | Creating and configuring Skybox 5:22

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