Release date:2021, February

Author:Jack Wakem

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Learn how to craft the perfect game design document and steer your development team towards success!

Why should I take this course?

The video game industry is massive, worth an estimated $155 billion in 2020. And this industry is rapidly growing posing opportunity for anyone who dares to get involved. This course will provide you with a deep understanding of the documentation associated with video game development, perhaps, the start you need to begin your career within the game industry?

For existing game developers, this course will take your abilities as a game developer to the next level, enabling you to write game design documents that truly drive your team forward.

Who is this course for?

Anyone and everyone with an interest in game design and development. Whether you are a programmer, artist or game hobbyist, this course is for you. Anyone who wants to develop their understanding of what truly makes a video game work.

Any requirements for this course?

Nope! Although some sort of familiarity with video games would help immensely.

What will I learn in this course?

In this course you will learn;

The importance of game design documents as documentation and its role in shaping the development process

How to craft the perfect game briefing to quickly and effectively communicate your ideas to developers and investors

A step by step examination of all the essential sections of the game design document

Guidelines and best practices for when writing a game design document

01. course introduction 02. course tips 03. class project 04. the basis of the gdd 05. the project scope section 1 06. the game name section 1 07. the game concept section 1 08. player objective summary section 1 09. genreniche analysis section 1 10. target demographic section 1 11. game flow summary section 1 12. game aesthetic direction section 1 13. project estimations section 1 14. monetization strategy section 1 15. game structure section 2 16. game progression section 2 17. game level structure section 2 18. detailed player objective analysis section 2 19. game flow scenario section 2 20. mechanic summary section 3 21. main mechanic summary section 3 22. player action and control section 3 23. objectsassets functionalities section 3 24. game economy section 3 25. ui screen flow section 3 26. ui functionality section 3 27. story setting and characters section 4 28. plot summary section 4 29. game world section 4 30. level design ethos section 4 31. character summaries section 4 32. technology considerations section 5 33. technology requirements section 5 34. system requirements section 5 35. ai capabilities section 5 36. financialmanagement section 6 37. timeline planning section 6 38. conclusion 39. class project 40. class conclusion

GDD Template.7z

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