Release date:2021, March 11

Author:Penny de Byl, Penny

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Any self-respecting game developer knows that getting their third-person player character right is one of the fundamental keys to a great gaming experience. Not only this but the controller, once developed, can be transferred from one game to another, making the code reusable and scalable. In this course, you will learn how to put together your own third-person character from scratch using freely available 3D models and animations, which you will learn how to control with C# in Unity. The idea behind this course is to take students through a series of workshops with the necessary tools to help them make a character, animate a character and program a character without the need of being able to model or animate and gain an understanding of the third-person character controller pipeline.

Learn how to program and work with: 3D Characters and Rigs

Humanoid Avatars

The Mecanim System

Avatar Masks

Animation Blend Trees

Unity’s new Input System Package

Unity’s Cinemachine Package for ‘Character Following’ Cameras

Adobe’s Mixamo Service for Rigging and Animating 3D Characters

Third-Person Character Controllers

Mixing Root Motion with Physics Controls

1. Introduction 1. Introduction 4. Join the Holistic3D Socials

2. Getting a Character and Animations with Mixamo 1. Working with Characters in Mixamo 2. Selecting and Downloading Mixamo Animations 3. Character Movement Animations 4. Getting User Input for Character Movement 5. Accelerating from Walking to Running 6. Fixing other Humanoid Animation Mishaps 7. Moving Backwards 8. Substituting Backward Animations 9. Turning

3. Following the Character with Cinemachine 1. Creating a Camera to Follow the Player 2. Advanced Cinemachine Virtual Camera Settings

4. Airborne 1. Preparing the Character for Jumping 2. Working with a Jump Animation 3. Cutting up Animations Part 1 4. Cutting up Animations Part 2 5. Landing Part 1 6. Landing Part 2 7. Running and Jumping 8. Jumping with Gusto 9. Rolling on Land

5. Weapon Handling 1. Adding a Weapon 2. Constructing the Shooting Animation 3. Attaching and Detaching the Weapon 4. Animation Layers and Avatar Masks 5. Controlling the Weapon Pickup with Input 6. Influencing Animations with Mouse Movements 7. Clamping Rotations 8. Adding a Laser Sight 9. Adding Crosshairs Part 1 10. Adding Crosshairs Part 2

6. Doing Damage 1. Environment Preparation 2. On the Topic of NavMeshes 3. Letting the Drones Out 4. Blowing Up Drones 5. Dying with Grace

7. Extra Fixes 1. Constantly Falling on Edge 2. Jumping Forward 3. Controlling Animation Masks with Code

8. Bonus Section 1. Some Final Words from Penny 2. Where to now

[Udemy] Create a Third-Person Player Character Controller.7z

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