Release date:2021

Author:Amy DeLouise

Skill level:Beginner


Exercise files:Yes

Planning is a critical step to creating successful corporate video content. You want to avoid budget surprises, build an accurate schedule that works for key stakeholders, and ensure that what you shoot tells the best possible story to your target audience. In this course, instructors Amy DeLouise and Richard Harrington share their proven strategies for a preproduction workflow that will help you map out your project and be ready to go into production. Discover how to properly scope the project, research your subject and find your story, identify your crew, set your schedule and location, and transition to production. These useful tips will help any video creators who want to break into corporate video production ensure their shoots are more professional and efficient by planning ahead.

This course was created by Rhed Pixel. We are pleased to offer this training in our library.

0. Introduction 01. Preproduction of corporate videos 02. Meet your instructors

1. Scoping the Project 01. Initiating a project 02. Identifying your stakeholders 03. Completing a technical brief 04. Completing a creative brief 05. Creating a budget 06. Creating a schedule

2. Find Your Story 01. Defining messaging goals 02. Researching your subject 03. Creating a treatment 04. The role of pre-interviews 05. Creating a shooting script 06. When do you need stakeholder sign-off

3. Planning for the Crew 01. Identifying needed crew 02. Setting a schedule 03. Creating a packing list 04. When to go location scouting

4. Transitioning to Production 01. Creating a call sheet 02. Preparing for the shoot day 03. Transitioning to production

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