Release date:2018, September

Duration:10 h 30 m

Author:Benjamin Anderson, by Ben Tristem

Skill level:Intermediate


Exercise files:Yes


You will need a licensed version of GameMaker Studio 2 or GameMaker Studio 1.4

Although it is not required, basic programming knowledge will help

You will need a basic understanding of math

A love for games and a strong desire to learn how they are created

Description This course teaches students how to build a polished Action RPG engine inside of GameMaker Studio 2 or GameMaker Studio 1.4. Although the course can be taken using GameMaker Studio 1.4 if you are new to GameMaker I would recommend using GameMaker Studio 2.

Students will learn to program in Game Maker Language (GML).

It will take roughly 10 hours to complete this course.

The course is structured in a way that introduces the different concepts of GameMaker Studio 2 one at a time. The majority of the course is made up of video lectures. Each lecture also contains a GameMaker Project file for the completed lecture.

This course will build and strengthen your programming and game development skills. By the end of this course, you will be ready to tackle a variety of different video game projects using GameMaker Studio 2.


01. Chapter 1 1. Introduction

02. Player Movement 1. A Moving Character 2. Collision Checking 3. Collision Masks and Sprite Origin

03. Sprites 1. Sprite Index and Image Speed 2. Sprite Scale

04. Variables and Arrays 1. Variables 2. Arrays 3. 2D Arrays 4. Enums 5. Sprite Lookup Table

05. Movement Scripts 1. Axis Input 3. Importing Scripts 4. Axis Movement

06. Tiles and Backgrounds 1. Autotiling 2. Layers

07. Finite State Machines 1. Finite State Machines and Attacking 2. Animation Scripts 3. The RollEvade State

08. Cutting Grass 1. Grass and Depth 3. Hitboxes

09. Enemies 1. Enemy Parent 2. Porcupine 3. Porcupine Attack

10. Hitbox Targets and Hurtboxes 1. Hurtbox Scripts 2. Finishing up Hurtboxes

11. Game Object and Input 1. Game Object 2. Input Object

12. Effects 1. Effect Object 2. Grass Effect 3. Enemy Hit and Death Effect

13. Player Takes a Hit 1. Player Hit Logic and State 2. Hitflash Script

14. Camera Object 1. Follow the Player 2. Follow the Player Using Lerp 3. Pixel Perfect Camera Movement using Rounding

15. Music and Sounds 1. Adding Sound Effects 2. Adding Background Music

16. New Levels 1. Room Inheritance 2. Doors and Start Positions

17. UI and Collectibles 1. Pickup Object and Gems 2. Hearts 3. UI

18. Pausing 1. Pausing the Game by Deactivating Objects 2. Drawing the Game During Pause 3. Keeping Objects Active during Pause

19. Inventory 1. Creating the Inventory and Adding to it 2. Creating the Inventory Items 3. Drawing the Inventory 4. Navigating the Inventory and Equipping Items 5. Bomb State

20. View and Stamina 1. Clamping the View 2. Stamina 3. Stamina UI

21. More Enemies 1. Bat Enemy 2. Hornet Enemy 3. Soft Collisions

22. Movement Scripts 1. Movement Scripts Part 1 2. Movement Scripts Part 2

23. Game State 1. Remembering Destroyed Objects 2. Title Screen

24. Saving and Loading 1. Basic Saving and Loading 2. Saving and Loading the Inventory 3. Saving and Loading Destroyed Objects and the Active Items

25. Sword Stand and Bow 1. Sword in the Stone 2. Basic Bow 3. Bow Polish Part 1 4. Bow Polish Part 2

Make an Action RPG in GameMaker Studio 2 Exercise Files.7z

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